Exodus 24:6 Cross References
Exodus 24:6
6: Moses took half the blood from these animals and drew it off into basins. The other half he splashed against the altar.
1 Peter 1:19
- He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
Exodus 24:8
- Then Moses sprinkled the blood from the basins over the people and said, "This blood confirms the covenant the LORD has made with you in giving you these laws."
Hebrews 9:18
- That is why blood was required under the first covenant as a proof of death.
Hebrews 12:24
- You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which graciously forgives instead of crying out for vengeance as the blood of Abel did.
Exodus 12:22
- Drain each lamb's blood into a basin. Then take a cluster of hyssop branches and dip it into the lamb's blood. Strike the hyssop against the top and sides of the doorframe, staining it with the blood. And remember, no one is allowed to leave the house until morning.
Exodus 29:20
- as it is slaughtered. Collect the blood and place some of it on the tip of the right earlobes of Aaron and his sons. Also put it on their right thumbs and the big toes of their right feet. Sprinkle the rest of the blood on the sides of the altar.
Leviticus 1:11
- Slaughter the animal on the north side of the altar in the LORD's presence. Aaron's sons, the priests, will sprinkle its blood against the sides of the altar.
Leviticus 4:6
- dip his finger into the blood, and sprinkle it seven times before the LORD in front of the inner curtain of the Most Holy Place.
Leviticus 3:2
- Lay your hand on the animal's head, and slaughter it at the entrance of the Tabernacle. Aaron's sons, the priests, will then sprinkle the animal's blood against the sides of the altar.
1 Peter 1:2
- God the Father chose you long ago, and the Spirit has made you holy. As a result, you have obeyed Jesus Christ and are cleansed by his blood. May you have more and more of God's special favor and wonderful peace.
Exodus 12:7
- They are to take some of the lamb's blood and smear it on the top and sides of the doorframe of the house where the lamb will be eaten.
Colossians 1:20
- and by him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of his blood on the cross.
Leviticus 1:5
- Then slaughter the animal in the LORD's presence, and Aaron's sons, the priests, will present the blood by sprinkling it against the sides of the altar that stands in front of the Tabernacle.
Exodus 29:16
- as it is slaughtered. Its blood will be collected and sprinkled on the sides of the altar.
Leviticus 3:8
- by laying your hand on its head and slaughtering it at the entrance of the Tabernacle. The sons of Aaron will then sprinkle the sheep's blood against the sides of the altar.