Exodus 21:20 Cross References
Exodus 21:20
20: "If a male or female slave is beaten and dies, the owner must be punished.
Deuteronomy 19:21
- You must never show pity! Your rule should be life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
Genesis 4:15
- The LORD replied, "They will not kill you, for I will give seven times your punishment to anyone who does." Then the LORD put a mark on Cain to warn anyone who might try to kill him.
Romans 13:4
- The authorities are sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for you will be punished. The authorities are established by God for that very purpose, to punish those who do wrong.
Genesis 4:24
- If anyone who kills Cain is to be punished seven times, anyone who takes revenge against me will be punished seventy-seven times!"
Numbers 35:30
- " `All murderers must be executed, but only if there is more than one witness. No one may be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.
- Also, you must never accept a ransom payment for the life of someone judged guilty of murder and subject to execution; murderers must always be put to death.
- And never accept a ransom payment from someone who has fled to a city of refuge, allowing the slayer to return to his property before the death of the high priest.
- This will ensure that the land where you live will not be polluted, for murder pollutes the land. And no atonement can be made for murder except by the execution of the murderer.
Proverbs 29:19
- For a servant, mere words are not enough--discipline is needed. For the words may be understood, but they are not heeded.
Numbers 35:19
- The victim's nearest relative is responsible for putting the murderer to death. When they meet, the avenger must execute the murderer.
Exodus 21:26
- "If an owner hits a male or female slave in the eye and the eye is blinded, then the slave may go free because of the eye.
- And if an owner knocks out the tooth of a male or female slave, the slave should be released in payment for the tooth.
Genesis 9:6
- Yes, you must execute anyone who murders another person, for to kill a person is to kill a living being made in God's image.
Isaiah 58:3
- `We have fasted before you!' they say. `Why aren't you impressed? We have done much penance, and you don't even notice it!'"I will tell you why! It's because you are living for yourselves even while you are fasting. You keep right on oppressing your workers.
- What good is fasting when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting will never get you anywhere with me.