Exodus 14:21 Cross References
Exodus 14:21
21: Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.
Isaiah 63:12
- Where is the one whose power divided the sea before them, when Moses lifted up his hand, establishing his reputation forever?
Exodus 15:8
- At the blast of your breath, the waters piled up! The surging waters stood straight like a wall; in the middle of the sea the waters became hard.
Psalms 66:6
- He made a dry path through the Red Sea, and his people went across on foot. Come, let us rejoice in who he is.
Nehemiah 9:11
- You divided the sea for your people so they could walk through on dry land! And then you hurled their enemies into the depths of the sea. They sank like stones beneath the mighty waters.
Joshua 4:23
- For the LORD your God dried up the river right before your eyes, and he kept it dry until you were all across, just as he did at the Red Sea when he dried it up until we had all crossed over.
Psalms 78:13
- For he divided the sea before them and led them through! The water stood up like walls beside them!
Psalms 74:13
- You split the sea by your strength and smashed the sea monster's heads.
Isaiah 51:10
- Are you not the same today, the one who dried up the sea, making a path of escape when you saved your people?
Exodus 14:16
- Use your shepherd's staff--hold it out over the water, and a path will open up before you through the sea. Then all the people of Israel will walk through on dry ground.
Psalms 136:13
- Give thanks to him who parted the Red Sea. His faithful love endures forever.
Psalms 114:3
- The Red Sea saw them coming and hurried out of their way! The water of the Jordan River turned away.
- The mountains skipped like rams, the little hills like lambs!
- What's wrong, Red Sea, that made you hurry out of their way? What happened, Jordan River, that you turned away?
Job 26:12
- By his power the sea grew calm. By his skill he crushed the great sea monster.
Joshua 3:13
- The priests will be carrying the Ark of the LORD, the Lord of all the earth. When their feet touch the water, the flow of water will be cut off upstream, and the river will pile up there in one heap."
- When the people set out to cross the Jordan, the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant went ahead of them.
- Now it was the harvest season, and the Jordan was overflowing its banks. But as soon as the feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river's edge,
- the water began piling up at a town upstream called Adam, which is near Zarethan. And the water below that point flowed on to the Dead Sea until the riverbed was dry. Then all the people crossed over near the city of Jericho.
Isaiah 51:15
- For I am the LORD your God, who stirs up the sea, causing its waves to roar. My name is the LORD Almighty.
Psalms 106:7
- Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the LORD's miracles. They soon forgot his many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled against him at the Red Sea.
- Even so, he saved them--to defend the honor of his name and to demonstrate his mighty power.
- He commanded the Red Sea to divide, and a dry path appeared. He led Israel across the sea bottom that was as dry as a desert.
- So he rescued them from their enemies and redeemed them from their foes.