Exodus 14:16 Cross References
Exodus 14:16
16: Use your shepherd's staff--hold it out over the water, and a path will open up before you through the sea. Then all the people of Israel will walk through on dry ground.
Exodus 7:19
- Then the LORD said to Moses: "Tell Aaron to point his staff toward the waters of Egypt--all its rivers, canals, marshes, and reservoirs. Everywhere in Egypt the water will turn into blood, even the water stored in wooden bowls and stone pots in the people's homes."
Exodus 4:17
- And be sure to take your shepherd's staff along so you can perform the miraculous signs I have shown you."
Exodus 14:26
- When all the Israelites were on the other side, the LORD said to Moses, "Raise your hand over the sea again. Then the waters will rush back over the Egyptian chariots and charioteers."
Exodus 4:20
- So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey, and headed back to the land of Egypt. In his hand he carried the staff of God.
Exodus 7:9
- "Pharaoh will demand that you show him a miracle to prove that God has sent you. When he makes this demand, say to Aaron, `Throw down your shepherd's staff,' and it will become a snake."
Exodus 14:21
- Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the LORD opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land.
- So the people of Israel walked through the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on each side!
Numbers 20:8
- "You and Aaron must take the staff and assemble the entire community. As the people watch, command the rock over there to pour out its water. You will get enough water from the rock to satisfy all the people and their livestock."
- So Moses did as he was told. He took the staff from the place where it was kept before the LORD.
Isaiah 10:26
- The LORD Almighty will beat them with his whip, as he did when Gideon triumphed over the Midianites at the rock of Oreb, or when the LORD's staff was raised to drown the Egyptian army in the sea.
Numbers 20:11
- Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with the staff, and water gushed out. So all the people and their livestock drank their fill.
Exodus 4:2
- Then the LORD asked him, "What do you have there in your hand?A shepherd's staff," Moses replied.