Exodus 12:16 Cross References
Exodus 12:16
16: On the first day of the festival, and again on the seventh day, all the people must gather for a time of special worship. No work of any kind may be done on these days except in the preparation of food.
Numbers 28:18
- On the first day of the festival you must call a sacred assembly of the people. None of your regular work may be done on that day.
Exodus 16:23
- He replied, "The LORD has appointed tomorrow as a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. On this day we will rest from our normal daily tasks. So bake or boil as much as you want today, and set aside what is left for tomorrow."
Leviticus 23:7
- On the first day of the festival, all the people must stop their regular work and gather for a sacred assembly.
- On each of the next seven days, the people must present an offering to the LORD by fire. On the seventh day, the people must again stop all their regular work to hold a sacred assembly."
Numbers 28:25
- On the seventh day of the festival you must call another holy assembly of the people. None of your regular work may be done on that day.
Leviticus 23:2
- "Give the Israelites instructions regarding the LORD's appointed festivals, the days when all of you will be summoned to worship me.
- You may work for six days each week, but on the seventh day all work must come to a complete stop. It is the LORD's Sabbath day of complete rest, a holy day to assemble for worship. It must be observed wherever you live.
Exodus 20:10
- but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to the LORD your God. On that day no one in your household may do any kind of work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your livestock, and any foreigners living among you.
Jeremiah 17:21
- This is what the LORD says: Listen to my warning and live! Stop carrying on your trade at Jerusalem's gates on the Sabbath day.
- Do not do your work on the Sabbath, but make it a holy day. I gave this command to your ancestors,
Leviticus 23:27
- "Remember that the Day of Atonement is to be celebrated on the ninth day after the Festival of Trumpets. On that day you must humble yourselves, gather for a sacred assembly, and present offerings to the LORD by fire.
Numbers 29:12
- "Five days later, you must call yet another holy assembly of all the people, and on that day no regular work may be done. It is the beginning of the Festival of Shelters, a seven-day festival to the LORD.
Exodus 16:29
- "Do they not realize that I have given them the seventh day, the Sabbath, as a day of rest? That is why I give you twice as much food on the sixth day, so there will be enough for two days. On the Sabbath day you must stay in your places. Do not pick up food from the ground on that day."
Leviticus 23:24
- to give these instructions to the Israelites: "On the appointed day in early autumn, you are to celebrate a day of complete rest. All your work must stop on that day. You will call the people to a sacred assembly--the Festival of Trumpets--with loud blasts from a trumpet.
- You must do no regular work on that day. Instead, you are to present offerings to the LORD by fire."
Exodus 16:5
- Tell them to pick up twice as much as usual on the sixth day of each week."
Numbers 29:1
- "The Festival of Trumpets will be celebrated on the appointed day in early autumn each year. You must call a solemn assembly of all the people on that day, and no regular work may be done.
Leviticus 23:21
- That same day, you must stop all your regular work and gather for a sacred assembly. This is a permanent law for you, and it must be observed wherever you live.
Leviticus 23:35
- It will begin with a sacred assembly on the first day, and all your regular work must stop.
Exodus 35:2
- Each week, work for six days only. The seventh day is a day of total rest, a holy day that belongs to the LORD. Anyone who works on that day will die.
- Do not even light fires in your homes on that day."