Exodus 11:10 Cross References
Exodus 11:10
10: Although Moses and Aaron did these miracles in Pharaoh's presence, the LORD hardened his heart so he wouldn't let the Israelites leave the country.
Exodus 4:21
- Then the LORD reminded him, "When you arrive back in Egypt, go to Pharaoh and perform the miracles I have empowered you to do. But I will make him stubborn so he will not let the people go.
Exodus 10:20
- But the LORD made Pharaoh stubborn once again, and he did not let the people go.
Exodus 10:27
- So the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart once more, and he would not let them go.
Exodus 7:13
- Pharaoh's heart, however, remained hard and stubborn. He still refused to listen, just as the LORD had predicted.
- Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pharaoh is very stubborn, and he continues to refuse to let the people go.
Romans 2:4
- Don't you realize how kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Or don't you care? Can't you see how kind he has been in giving you time to turn from your sin?
- But no, you won't listen. So you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself because of your stubbornness in refusing to turn from your sin. For there is going to come a day of judgment when God, the just judge of all the world,
Deuteronomy 2:30
- But King Sihon refused to allow you to pass through, because the LORD your God made Sihon stubborn and defiant so he could help you defeat them, as he has now done.
Job 9:4
- For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully?
Romans 9:22
- God has every right to exercise his judgment and his power, but he also has the right to be very patient with those who are the objects of his judgment and are fit only for destruction.
1 Samuel 6:6
- Don't be stubborn and rebellious as Pharaoh and the Egyptians were. They wouldn't let Israel go until God had ravaged them with dreadful plagues.