Deuteronomy 28:49 Cross References
Deuteronomy 28:49
49: "The LORD will bring a distant nation against you from the end of the earth, and it will swoop down on you like an eagle. It is a nation whose language you do not understand,
Lamentations 4:19
- Our enemies were swifter than the eagles. If we fled to the mountains, they found us. If we hid in the wilderness, they were waiting for us there.
Hosea 8:1
- "Sound the alarm! The enemy descends like an eagle on the people of the LORD, for they have broken my covenant and revolted against my law.
Jeremiah 48:40
- "An eagle swoops down on the land of Moab," says the LORD.
Jeremiah 49:22
- The enemy will come as swiftly as an eagle, and he will spread his wings against Bozrah. Even the mightiest warriors will be as frightened as a woman about to give birth.
Isaiah 5:26
- He will send a signal to the nations far away. He will whistle to those at the ends of the earth, and they will come racing toward Jerusalem.
- They will not get tired or stumble. They will run without stopping for rest or sleep. Not a belt will be loose, not a sandal thong broken.
- Their arrows will be sharp and their bows ready for battle. Sparks will fly from their horses' hooves as the wheels of their chariots spin like the wind.
- Roaring like lions, they will pounce on their prey. They will seize my people and carry them off into captivity, and no one will be there to rescue them.
- The enemy nations will growl over their victims like the roaring of the sea. A cloud of darkness and sorrow will hover over Israel. The clouds will blot out the light.
Ezekiel 17:3
- Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: A great eagle with broad wings full of many-colored feathers came to Lebanon. He took hold of the highest branch of a cedar tree
Ezekiel 17:12
- "Say to these rebels of Israel: Don't you understand the meaning of this riddle of the eagles? I will tell you, says the Sovereign LORD. The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, took away her king and princes, and brought them to Babylon.
Jeremiah 5:15
- O Israel, I will bring a distant nation against you," says the LORD. "It is a mighty nation, an ancient nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you cannot understand.
- Their weapons are deadly; their warriors are mighty.
- They will eat your harvests and your children's bread, your flocks of sheep and your herds of cattle. Yes, they will eat your grapes and figs. And they will destroy your fortified cities, which you think are so safe.
Daniel 9:26
- "After this period of sixty-two sets of seven, the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing, and a ruler will arise whose armies will destroy the city and the Temple. The end will come with a flood, and war and its miseries are decreed from that time to the very end.
Habakkuk 1:6
- I am raising up the Babylonians to be a new power on the world scene. They are a cruel and violent nation who will march across the world and conquer it.
- They are notorious for their cruelty. They do as they like, and no one can stop them.
Jeremiah 4:13
- Our enemy rushes down on us like a storm wind! His chariots are like whirlwinds; his horses are swifter than eagles. How terrible it will be! Our destruction is sure!
Numbers 24:24
- Ships will come from the coasts of Cyprus; they will oppress both Assyria and Eber, but they, too, will be utterly destroyed."
Matthew 24:28
- Just as the gathering of vultures shows there is a carcass nearby, so these signs indicate that the end is near.
Luke 19:43
- Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you.
- They will crush you to the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you have rejected the opportunity God offered you."
Daniel 6:22
- My God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty."
- The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. Not a scratch was found on him because he had trusted in his God.
Jeremiah 6:22
- This is what the LORD says: "See a great army marching from the north! A great nation is rising against you from far-off lands.
- They are fully armed for slaughter. They are cruel and show no mercy. As they ride forward, the noise of their army is like a roaring sea. They are marching in battle formation to destroy you, Jerusalem. "
1 Corinthians 14:21
- It is written in the Scriptures, "I will speak to my own people through unknown languages and through the lips of foreigners. But even then, they will not listen to me," says the Lord.
Ezekiel 3:6
- No, I am not sending you to people with strange and difficult speech. If I did, they would listen!