Deuteronomy 20:13 Cross References
Deuteronomy 20:13
13: When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town.
Psalms 2:6
- For the LORD declares, "I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, my holy city. "
- The king proclaims the LORD's decree: "The LORD said to me, `You are my son. Today I have become your Father.
- Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession.
- You will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots.'"
- Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you rulers of the earth!
Psalms 21:8
- You will capture all your enemies. Your strong right hand will seize all those who hate you.
- You will destroy them as in a flaming furnace when you appear. The LORD will consume them in his anger; fire will devour them.
1 Kings 11:15
- Years before, David had gone to Edom with Joab, his army commander, to bury some Israelites who had died in battle. While there, the Israelite army had killed nearly every male in Edom.
- Joab and the army had stayed there for six months, killing them.
2 Thessalonians 1:7
- And God will provide rest for you who are being persecuted and also for us when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven. He will come with his mighty angels,
- in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don't know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus.
- They will be punished with everlasting destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power
Numbers 31:7
- They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men.
- All five of the Midianite kings--Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba--died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword.
- Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder.
Luke 19:27
- And now about these enemies of mine who didn't want me to be their king--bring them in and execute them right here in my presence.'"
Psalms 110:1
- The LORD said to my Lord, "Sit in honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet."
Numbers 31:17
- Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man.
- Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves.