Deuteronomy 17:2 Cross References
Deuteronomy 17:2
2: "Suppose a man or woman among you, in one of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant
Joshua 7:11
- Israel has sinned and broken my covenant! They have stolen the things that I commanded to be set apart for me. And they have not only stolen them; they have also lied about it and hidden the things among their belongings.
Deuteronomy 17:5
- then that man or woman must be taken to the gates of the town and stoned to death.
Joshua 7:15
- The one who has stolen what was set apart for destruction will himself be burned with fire, along with everything he has, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and has done a horrible thing in Israel."
Hosea 8:1
- "Sound the alarm! The enemy descends like an eagle on the people of the LORD, for they have broken my covenant and revolted against my law.
Hosea 6:7
- "But like Adam, you broke my covenant and rebelled against me.
Joshua 23:16
- If you break the covenant of the LORD your God by worshiping and serving other gods, his anger will burn against you, and you will quickly be wiped out from the good land he has given you."
2 Kings 18:12
- For they had refused to listen to the LORD their God. Instead, they had violated his covenant--all the laws the LORD had given through his servant Moses.
Judges 2:20
- So the LORD burned with anger against Israel. He said, "Because these people have violated the covenant I made with their ancestors and have ignored my commands,
Deuteronomy 13:6
- "Suppose your brother, son, daughter, beloved wife, or closest friend comes to you secretly and says, `Let us go worship other gods'--gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known.
- They might suggest that you worship the gods of peoples who live nearby or who come from the ends of the earth.
- If they do this, do not give in or listen, and have no pity. Do not spare or protect them.
- You must put them to death! You must be the one to initiate the execution; then all the people must join in.
- Stone the guilty ones to death because they have tried to draw you away from the LORD your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of slavery.
Deuteronomy 4:23
- So be careful not to break the covenant the LORD your God has made with you. You will break it if you make idols of any shape or form, for the LORD your God has absolutely forbidden this.
Ezekiel 16:38
- I will punish you for your murder and adultery. I will cover you with blood in my jealous fury.
Deuteronomy 29:18
- The LORD made this covenant with you so that no man, woman, family, or tribe among you would turn away from the LORD our God to worship these gods of other nations, and so that no root among you would bear bitter and poisonous fruit.
Hebrews 8:9
- This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of the land of Egypt. They did not remain faithful to my covenant, so I turned my back on them, says the Lord.
- But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds so they will understand them, and I will write them on their hearts so they will obey them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
Deuteronomy 29:25
- "And they will be told, `This happened because the people of the land broke the covenant they made with the LORD, the God of their ancestors, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt.
Leviticus 26:25
- I will send armies against you to carry out these covenant threats. If you flee to your cities, I will send a plague to destroy you there, and you will be conquered by your enemies.
Jeremiah 31:32
- This covenant will not be like the one I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt. They broke that covenant, though I loved them as a husband loves his wife," says the LORD.
Leviticus 26:15
- and if you break my covenant by rejecting my laws and treating my regulations with contempt,
Deuteronomy 31:20
- For I will bring them into the land I swore to give their ancestors--a land flowing with milk and honey. There they will become prosperous; they will eat all the food they want and become well nourished. Then they will begin to worship other gods; they will despise me and break my covenant.