Acts 7:41 Cross References
Acts 7:41
41: So they made an idol shaped like a calf, and they sacrificed to it and rejoiced in this thing they had made.
Revelation 9:20
- But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to turn from their evil deeds. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood--idols that neither see nor hear nor walk!
Isaiah 44:9
- How foolish are those who manufacture idols to be their gods. These highly valued objects are really worthless. They themselves are witnesses that this is so, for their idols neither see nor know. No wonder those who worship them are put to shame.
- Who but a fool would make his own god--an idol that cannot help him one bit!
- All who worship idols will stand before the LORD in shame, along with all these craftsmen--mere humans--who claim they can make a god. Together they will stand in terror and shame.
- The blacksmith stands at his forge to make a sharp tool, pounding and shaping it with all his might. His work makes him hungry and thirsty, weak and faint.
- Then the wood-carver measures and marks out a block of wood, takes the tool, and carves the figure of a man. Now he has a wonderful idol that cannot even move from where it is placed!
Exodus 32:17
- When Joshua heard the noise of the people shouting below them, he exclaimed to Moses, "It sounds as if there is a war in the camp!"
- But Moses replied, "No, it's neither a cry of victory nor a cry of defeat. It is the sound of a celebration."
- When they came near the camp, Moses saw the calf and the dancing. In terrible anger, he threw the stone tablets to the ground, smashing them at the foot of the mountain.
- He took the calf they had made and melted it in the fire. And when the metal had cooled, he ground it into powder and mixed it with water. Then he made the people drink it.
Deuteronomy 9:12
- Then the LORD said to me, `Go down immediately because the people you led out of Egypt have become corrupt. They have already turned from the way I commanded them to live and have cast an idol for themselves from gold.'
- "The LORD said to me, `I have been watching this people, and they are extremely stubborn.
- Leave me alone so I may destroy them and erase their name from under heaven. Then I will make a mighty nation of your descendants, a nation larger and more powerful than they are.'
- "So I came down from the fiery mountain, holding in my hands the two stone tablets of the covenant.
- There below me I could see the gold calf you had made in your terrible sin against the LORD your God. How quickly you had turned from the path the LORD had commanded you to follow!
Isaiah 2:8
- The land is filled with idols. The people bow down and worship these things they have made.
- So now everyone will be humbled and brought low. The LORD cannot simply ignore their sins!
Habakkuk 2:18
- "What have you gained by worshiping all your man-made idols? How foolish to trust in something made by your own hands! What fools you are to believe such lies!
- How terrible it will be for you who beg lifeless wooden idols to save you. You ask speechless stone images to tell you what to do. Can an idol speak for God? They may be overlaid with gold and silver, but they are lifeless inside.
- But the LORD is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him."
Hosea 9:1
- O people of Israel, do not rejoice as others do. For you have been unfaithful to your God, hiring yourselves out like prostitutes, offering sacrifices to other gods on every threshing floor.
Exodus 32:2
- So Aaron said, "Tell your wives and sons and daughters to take off their gold earrings, and then bring them to me."
- All the people obeyed Aaron and brought him their gold earrings.
- Then Aaron took the gold, melted it down, and molded and tooled it into the shape of a calf. The people exclaimed, "O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of Egypt!"
- When Aaron saw how excited the people were about it, he built an altar in front of the calf and announced, "Tomorrow there will be a festival to the LORD!"
- So the people got up early the next morning to sacrifice burnt offerings and peace offerings. After this, they celebrated with feasting and drinking, and indulged themselves in pagan revelry.
Psalms 106:19
- The people made a calf at Mount Sinai; they bowed before an image made of gold.
- They traded their glorious God for a statue of a grass-eating ox!
- They forgot God, their savior, who had done such great things in Egypt--
Nehemiah 9:18
- even though they made an idol shaped like a calf and said, 'This is your god who brought you out of Egypt!' They sinned and committed terrible blasphemies.
Hosea 9:10
- The LORD says, "O Israel, when I first found you, it was like finding fresh grapes in the desert! When I saw your ancestors, it was like seeing the first ripe figs of the season! But then they deserted me for Baal-peor, giving themselves to that shameful idol. Soon they became as vile as the god they worshiped.