Acts 4:3 Cross References
Acts 4:3
3: They arrested them and, since it was already evening, jailed them until morning.
Matthew 10:16
- "Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wary as snakes and harmless as doves.
- But beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and beaten in the synagogues.
Acts 5:18
- They arrested the apostles and put them in the jail.
Luke 22:54
- So they arrested him and led him to the high priest's residence, and Peter was following far behind.
Acts 9:2
- He requested letters addressed to the synagogues in Damascus, asking their cooperation in the arrest of any followers of the Way he found there. He wanted to bring them--both men and women--back to Jerusalem in chains.
John 18:12
- So the soldiers, their commanding officer, and the Temple guards arrested Jesus and tied him up.
Acts 12:1
- About that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some believers in the church.
- He had the apostle James (John's brother) killed with a sword.
- When Herod saw how much this pleased the Jewish leaders, he arrested Peter during the Passover celebration
Acts 6:12
- Naturally, this roused the crowds, the elders, and the teachers of religious law. So they arrested Stephen and brought him before the high council.
Luke 22:52
- Then Jesus spoke to the leading priests and captains of the Temple guard and the other leaders who headed the mob. "Am I some dangerous criminal," he asked, "that you have come armed with swords and clubs to arrest me?
Acts 8:3
- Saul was going everywhere to devastate the church. He went from house to house, dragging out both men and women to throw them into jail.
Acts 16:19
- Her masters' hopes of wealth were now shattered, so they grabbed Paul and Silas and dragged them before the authorities at the marketplace.
- "The whole city is in an uproar because of these Jews!" they shouted.
- "They are teaching the people to do things that are against Roman customs."
- A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods.
- They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn't escape.