Acts 15:40 Cross References
Acts 15:40
40: Paul chose Silas, and the believers sent them off, entrusting them to the Lord's grace.
Acts 15:22
- Then the apostles and elders and the whole church in Jerusalem chose delegates, and they sent them to Antioch of Syria with Paul and Barnabas to report on this decision. The men chosen were two of the church leaders--Judas (also called Barsabbas) and Silas.
Acts 14:26
- Finally, they returned by ship to Antioch of Syria, where their journey had begun and where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work they had now completed.
Acts 11:23
- When he arrived and saw this proof of God's favor, he was filled with joy, and he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:10
- But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me--and not without results. For I have worked harder than all the other apostles, yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.
2 John 1:10
- If someone comes to your meeting and does not teach the truth about Christ, don't invite him into your house or encourage him in any way.
- Anyone who encourages him becomes a partner in his evil work.
Acts 16:1
- Paul and Silas went first to Derbe and then on to Lystra. There they met Timothy, a young disciple whose mother was a Jewish believer, but whose father was a Greek.
- Timothy was well thought of by the believers in Lystra and Iconium,
- so Paul wanted him to join them on their journey. In deference to the Jews of the area, he arranged for Timothy to be circumcised before they left, for everyone knew that his father was a Greek.
Acts 15:32
- Then Judas and Silas, both being prophets, spoke extensively to the Christians, encouraging and strengthening their faith.
Acts 13:3
- So after more fasting and prayer, the men laid their hands on them and sent them on their way.
2 Corinthians 13:13
- May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Titus 3:15
- Everybody here sends greetings. Please give my greetings to all of the believers who love us. May God's grace be with you all.
Acts 20:32
- "And now I entrust you to God and the word of his grace--his message that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself.
2 Timothy 4:22
- May the Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you all.