Acts 14:14 Cross References
Acts 14:14
14: But when Barnabas and Paul heard what was happening, they tore their clothing in dismay and ran out among the people, shouting,
Matthew 26:65
- Then the high priest tore his clothing to show his horror, shouting, "Blasphemy! Why do we need other witnesses? You have all heard his blasphemy.
2 Kings 5:7
- When the king of Israel read it, he tore his clothes in dismay and said, "This man sends me a leper to heal! Am I God, that I can kill and give life? He is only trying to find an excuse to invade us again."
2 Kings 18:37
- Then Eliakim son of Hilkiah, the palace administrator, Shebna the court secretary, and Joah son of Asaph, the royal historian, went back to Hezekiah. They tore their clothes in despair, and they went in to see the king and told him what the Assyrian representative had said.
- When King Hezekiah heard their report, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the Temple of the LORD to pray.
- And he sent Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the court secretary, and the leading priests, all dressed in sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.
1 Corinthians 9:5
- Don't we have the right to bring a Christian wife along with us as the other disciples and the Lord's brothers and Peter do?
- Or is it only Barnabas and I who have to work to support ourselves?
Jeremiah 36:24
- Neither the king nor his officials showed any signs of fear or repentance at what they heard.
Acts 14:4
- But the people of the city were divided in their opinion about them. Some sided with the Jews, and some with the apostles.
Ezra 9:3
- When I heard this, I tore my clothing, pulled hair from my head and beard, and sat down utterly shocked.
- Then all who trembled at the words of the God of Israel came and sat with me because of this unfaithfulness of his people. And I sat there utterly appalled until the time of the evening sacrifice.
- At the time of the sacrifice, I stood up from where I had sat in mourning with my clothes torn. I fell to my knees, lifted my hands to the LORD my God.
Mark 14:63
- Then the high priest tore his clothing to show his horror and said, "Why do we need other witnesses?