2Sa 3:9 Cross References
2 Samuel 3:9
9: May God deal harshly with me if I don't help David get all that the LORD has promised him!
1 Samuel 15:28
- And Samuel said to him, "See? The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to someone else--one who is better than you.
1 Kings 19:2
- So Jezebel sent this message to Elijah: "May the gods also kill me if by this time tomorrow I have failed to take your life like those whom you killed."
1 Samuel 28:17
- The LORD has done just as he said he would. He has taken the kingdom from you and given it to your rival, David.
Ruth 1:17
- I will die where you die and will be buried there. May the LORD punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!"
1 Chronicles 12:23
- These are the numbers of armed warriors who joined David at Hebron. They were all eager to see David become king instead of Saul, just as the LORD had promised.
1 Samuel 3:17
- "What did the LORD say to you? Tell me everything. And may God punish you if you hide anything from me!"
Psalms 89:35
- I have sworn an oath to David, and in my holiness I cannot lie:
- His dynasty will go on forever; his throne is as secure as the sun,
- as eternal as the moon, my faithful witness in the sky!"
Psalms 89:19
- You once spoke in a vision to your prophet and said, "I have given help to a warrior. I have selected him from the common people to be king.
- I have found my servant David. I have anointed him with my holy oil.
2 Samuel 19:13
- And David told them to tell Amasa, "Since you are my nephew, may God strike me dead if I do not appoint you as commander of my army in place of Joab."
1 Samuel 14:44
- "Yes, Jonathan," Saul said, "you must die! May God strike me dead if you are not executed for this."
2 Samuel 3:35
- David had refused to eat anything the day of the funeral, and now everyone begged him to eat. But David had made a vow, saying, "May God kill me if I eat anything before sundown."
1 Samuel 16:1
- Finally, the LORD said to Samuel, "You have mourned long enough for Saul. I have rejected him as king of Israel. Now fill your horn with olive oil and go to Bethlehem. Find a man named Jesse who lives there, for I have selected one of his sons to be my new king."
- But Samuel asked, "How can I do that? If Saul hears about it, he will kill me.Take a heifer with you," the LORD replied, "and say that you have come to make a sacrifice to the LORD.
- Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you which of his sons to anoint for me."
- So Samuel did as the LORD instructed him. When he arrived at Bethlehem, the leaders of the town became afraid. "What's wrong?" they asked. "Do you come in peace?"
- "Yes," Samuel replied. "I have come to sacrifice to the LORD. Purify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice." Then Samuel performed the purification rite for Jesse and his sons and invited them, too.
Psalms 89:3
- The LORD said, "I have made a solemn agreement with David, my chosen servant. I have sworn this oath to him:
- `I will establish your descendants as kings forever; they will sit on your throne from now until eternity.'"
1 Samuel 25:22
- May God deal with me severely if even one man of his household is still alive tomorrow morning!"