2Sa 24:16 Cross References
2 Samuel 24:16
16: But as the death angel was preparing to destroy Jerusalem, the LORD relented and said to the angel, "Stop! That is enough!" At that moment the angel of the LORD was by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
Joel 2:13
- Don't tear your clothing in your grief; instead, tear your hearts." Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful. He is not easily angered. He is filled with kindness and is eager not to punish you.
- Who knows? Perhaps even yet he will give you a reprieve, sending you a blessing instead of this terrible curse. Perhaps he will give you so much that you will be able to offer grain and wine to the LORD your God as before!
Exodus 12:23
- For the LORD will pass through the land and strike down the Egyptians. But when he sees the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe, the LORD will pass over your home. He will not permit the Destroyer to enter and strike down your firstborn.
1 Samuel 15:11
- "I am sorry that I ever made Saul king, for he has not been loyal to me and has again refused to obey me." Samuel was so deeply moved when he heard this that he cried out to the LORD all night.
Acts 12:23
- Instantly, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness, because he accepted the people's worship instead of giving the glory to God. So he was consumed with worms and died.
Genesis 6:6
- So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart.
2 Kings 19:35
- That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
2 Chronicles 3:1
- So Solomon began to build the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, where the LORD had appeared to Solomon's father, King David. The Temple was built on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the site that David had selected.
2 Chronicles 32:21
- And the LORD sent an angel who destroyed the Assyrian army with all its commanders and officers. So Sennacherib returned home in disgrace to his own land. And when he entered the temple of his god, some of his own sons killed him there with a sword.
Habakkuk 3:2
- I have heard all about you, LORD, and I am filled with awe by the amazing things you have done. In this time of our deep need, begin again to help us, as you did in years gone by. Show us your power to save us. And in your anger, remember your mercy.
1 Kings 19:4
- Then he went on alone into the desert, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors."
Judges 19:11
- It was late in the day when they reached Jebus, and the man's servant said to him, "It's getting too late to travel; let's stay in this Jebusite city tonight."
Genesis 10:16
- Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites,
Psalms 90:13
- O LORD, come back to us! How long will you delay? Take pity on your servants!
Judges 1:21
- The tribe of Benjamin, however, failed to drive out the Jebusites, who were living in Jerusalem. So to this day the Jebusites live in Jerusalem among the people of Benjamin.
Psalms 35:6
- Make their path dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them.
Mark 14:41
- When he returned to them the third time, he said, "Still sleeping? Still resting? Enough! The time has come. I, the Son of Man, am betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Exodus 9:28
- Please beg the LORD to end this terrifying thunder and hail. I will let you go at once."
Isaiah 57:16
- For I will not fight against you forever; I will not always show my anger. If I did, all people would pass away--all the souls I have made.
Psalms 135:14
- For the LORD will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants.
Isaiah 27:8
- but he has punished Israel only a little. He has exiled her from her land as though blown away in a storm from the east.
Psalms 78:38
- Yet he was merciful and forgave their sins and didn't destroy them all. Many a time he held back his anger and did not unleash his fury!
Exodus 12:13
- The blood you have smeared on your doorposts will serve as a sign. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt.
2 Samuel 24:18
- That day Gad came to David and said to him, "Go and build an altar to the LORD on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite."
1 Chronicles 21:15
- And God sent an angel to destroy Jerusalem. But just as the angel was preparing to destroy it, the LORD relented and said to the death angel, "Stop! That is enough!" At that moment the angel of the LORD was standing by the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite.
- David looked up and saw the angel of the LORD standing between heaven and earth with his sword drawn, stretched out over Jerusalem. So David and the leaders of Israel put on sackcloth to show their distress and fell down with their faces to the ground.
Amos 7:3
- So the LORD relented and did not fulfill the vision. "I won't do it," he said.
2 Samuel 5:8
- When the insulting message from the defenders of the city reached David, he told his own troops, "Go up through the water tunnel into the city and destroy those `lame' and `blind' Jebusites. How I hate them." That is the origin of the saying, "The blind and the lame may not enter the house."
Isaiah 40:1
- "Comfort, comfort my people," says your God.
- "Speak tenderly to Jerusalem. Tell her that her sad days are gone and that her sins are pardoned. Yes, the LORD has punished her in full for all her sins."
Jeremiah 18:7
- If I announce that a certain nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down, and destroyed,
- but then that nation renounces its evil ways, I will not destroy it as I had planned.
- And if I announce that I will build up and plant a certain nation or kingdom, making it strong and great,
- but then that nation turns to evil and refuses to obey me, I will not bless that nation as I had said I would.
Amos 7:6
- Then the LORD turned from this plan, too. "I won't do that either," said the Sovereign LORD.
Joshua 15:63
- But the tribe of Judah could not drive out the Jebusites, who lived in the city of Jerusalem, so the Jebusites live there among the people of Judah to this day.
2 Corinthians 2:6
- He was punished enough when most of you were united in your judgment against him.
Zechariah 9:7
- They will no longer eat meat with blood in it or feed on other forbidden foods. All the surviving Philistines will worship our God and be adopted as a new clan in Judah. And the Philistines of Ekron will join my people, just as the Jebusites once did.
Exodus 32:14
- So the LORD withdrew his threat and didn't bring against his people the disaster he had threatened.