2Sa 22:14 Cross References
2 Samuel 22:14
14: The LORD thundered from heaven; the Most High gave a mighty shout.
1 Samuel 2:10
- Those who fight against the LORD will be broken. He thunders against them from heaven; the LORD judges throughout the earth. He gives mighty strength to his king; he increases the might of his anointed one."
Job 37:2
- Listen carefully to the thunder of God's voice as it rolls from his mouth.
- It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes out in every direction.
- Then comes the roaring of the thunder--the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain the thunder when he speaks.
- God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power.
Psalms 29:3
- The voice of the LORD echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The LORD thunders over the mighty sea.
- The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.
- The voice of the LORD splits the mighty cedars; the LORD shatters the cedars of Lebanon.
- He makes Lebanon's mountains skip like a calf and Mount Hermon to leap like a young bull.
- The voice of the LORD strikes with lightning bolts.
1 Samuel 7:10
- Just as Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines arrived for battle. But the LORD spoke with a mighty voice of thunder from heaven, and the Philistines were thrown into such confusion that the Israelites defeated them.
Exodus 19:6
- And you will be to me a kingdom of priests, my holy nation.' Give this message to the Israelites."
1 Samuel 12:17
- You know that it does not rain at this time of the year during the wheat harvest. I will ask the LORD to send thunder and rain today. Then you will realize how wicked you have been in asking the LORD for a king!"
- So Samuel called to the LORD, and the LORD sent thunder and rain. And all the people were terrified of the LORD and of Samuel.
Ezekiel 10:5
- The moving wings of the cherubim sounded like the voice of God Almighty and could be heard clearly in the outer courtyard.
Isaiah 30:30
- And the LORD will make his majestic voice heard. With angry indignation he will bring down his mighty arm on his enemies. It will descend with devouring flames, with cloudbursts, thunderstorms, and huge hailstones, bringing their destruction.
Psalms 77:16
- When the Red Sea saw you, O God, its waters looked and trembled! The sea quaked to its very depths.
- The clouds poured down their rain; the thunder rolled and crackled in the sky. Your arrows of lightning flashed.
- Your thunder roared from the whirlwind; the lightning lit up the world! The earth trembled and shook.
- Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters--a pathway no one knew was there!
Job 40:9
- Are you as strong as God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?
Judges 5:20
- The stars fought from heaven. The stars in their orbits fought against Sisera.
Revelation 11:19
- Then, in heaven, the Temple of God was opened and the Ark of his covenant could be seen inside the Temple. Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and roared; there was a great hailstorm, and the world was shaken by a mighty earthquake.