2Sa 1:12 Cross References
2 Samuel 1:12
12: They mourned and wept and fasted all day for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the LORD's army and the nation of Israel, because so many had died that day.
Psalms 35:13
- Yet when they were ill, I grieved for them. I even fasted and prayed for them, but my prayers returned unanswered.
- I was sad, as though they were my friends or family, as if I were grieving for my own mother.
Proverbs 24:17
- Do not rejoice when your enemies fall into trouble. Don't be happy when they stumble.
Matthew 5:44
- But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!
2 Samuel 3:35
- David had refused to eat anything the day of the funeral, and now everyone begged him to eat. But David had made a vow, saying, "May God kill me if I eat anything before sundown."
2 Corinthians 11:29
- Who is weak without my feeling that weakness? Who is led astray, and I do not burn with anger?
Jeremiah 9:1
- Oh, that my eyes were a fountain of tears; I would weep forever! I would sob day and night for all my people who have been slaughtered.
Amos 6:6
- You drink wine by the bowlful, and you perfume yourselves with exotic fragrances, caring nothing at all that your nation is going to ruin.
1 Peter 3:8
- Finally, all of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds.