2Ki 5:12 Cross References
2 Kings 5:12
12: Aren't the Abana River and Pharpar River of Damascus better than all the rivers of Israel put together? Why shouldn't I wash in them and be healed?" So Naaman turned and went away in a rage.
Ezekiel 47:1
- Then the man brought me back to the entrance of the Temple. There I saw a stream flowing eastward from beneath the Temple threshold. This stream then passed to the right of the altar on its south side.
- The man brought me outside the wall through the north gateway and led me around to the eastern entrance. There I could see the stream flowing out through the south side of the east gateway.
- Measuring as he went, he led me along the stream for 1,750 feet and told me to go across. At that point the water was up to my ankles.
- He measured off another 1,750 feet and told me to go across again. This time the water was up to my knees. After another 1,750 feet, it was up to my waist.
- Then he measured another 1,750 feet, and the river was too deep to cross without swimming.
Mark 1:9
- One day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and he was baptized by John in the Jordan River.
2 Kings 2:8
- Then Elijah folded his cloak together and struck the water with it. The river divided, and the two of them went across on dry ground!
Joshua 3:15
- Now it was the harvest season, and the Jordan was overflowing its banks. But as soon as the feet of the priests who were carrying the Ark touched the water at the river's edge,
- the water began piling up at a town upstream called Adam, which is near Zarethan. And the water below that point flowed on to the Dead Sea until the riverbed was dry. Then all the people crossed over near the city of Jericho.
- Meanwhile, the priests who were carrying the Ark of the LORD's covenant stood on dry ground in the middle of the riverbed as the people passed by them. They waited there until everyone had crossed the Jordan on dry ground.
2 Kings 2:14
- He struck the water with the cloak and cried out, "Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" Then the river divided, and Elisha went across.
Zechariah 13:1
- "On that day a fountain will be opened for the dynasty of David and for the people of Jerusalem, a fountain to cleanse them from all their sins and defilement.
Proverbs 14:17
- Those who are short-tempered do foolish things, and schemers are hated.
Zechariah 14:8
- On that day life-giving waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the Dead Sea and half toward the Mediterranean, flowing continuously both in summer and in winter.
2 Kings 5:17
- Then Naaman said, "All right, but please allow me to load two of my mules with earth from this place, and I will take it back home with me. From now on I will never again offer any burnt offerings or sacrifices to any other god except the LORD.
Proverbs 19:11
- People with good sense restrain their anger; they earn esteem by overlooking wrongs.