2Ki 24:5 Cross References
2 Kings 24:5
5: The rest of the events in Jehoiakim's reign and all his deeds are recorded in The Book of the History of the Kings of Judah.
2 Chronicles 36:8
- The rest of the events of Jehoiakim's reign, including all the evil things he did and everything found against him, are recorded in The Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah. Then his son Jehoiachin became the next king.
Jeremiah 22:13
- And the LORD says, "Destruction is certain for Jehoiakim, who builds his palace with forced labor. By not paying wages, he builds injustice into its walls and oppression into its doorframes and ceilings.
- He says, `I will build a magnificent palace with huge rooms and many windows, paneled throughout with fragrant cedar and painted a lovely red.'
- "But a beautiful palace does not make a great king! Why did your father, Josiah, reign so long? Because he was just and right in all his dealings. That is why God blessed him.
- He made sure that justice and help were given to the poor and needy, and everything went well for him. Isn't that what it means to know me?" asks the LORD.
- "But you! You are full of selfish greed and dishonesty! You murder the innocent, oppress the poor, and reign ruthlessly."
Jeremiah 26:1
- This message came to Jeremiah from the LORD early in the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah.
- The LORD said, "Stand out in front of the Temple of the LORD, and make an announcement to the people who have come there to worship from all over Judah. Give them my entire message; include every word.
- Perhaps they will listen and turn from their evil ways. Then I will be able to withhold the disaster I am ready to pour out on them because of their sins.
- "Say to them, `This is what the LORD says: If you will not listen to me and obey the law I have given you,
- and if you will not listen to my servants, the prophets--for I sent them again and again to warn you, but you would not listen to them--