2Ki 13:4 Cross References
2 Kings 13:4
4: Then Jehoahaz prayed for the LORD's help, and the LORD heard his prayer. The LORD could see how terribly the king of Aram was oppressing Israel.
2 Kings 14:26
- For the LORD saw the bitter suffering of everyone in Israel, and how they had absolutely no one to help them.
Exodus 3:7
- Then the LORD told him, "You can be sure I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries for deliverance from their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering.
Psalms 78:34
- When God killed some of them, the rest finally sought him. They repented and turned to God.
Exodus 3:9
- The cries of the people of Israel have reached me, and I have seen how the Egyptians have oppressed them with heavy tasks.
Judges 10:15
- But the Israelites pleaded with the LORD and said, "We have sinned. Punish us as you see fit, only rescue us today from our enemies."
- Then the Israelites put aside their foreign gods and served the LORD. And he was grieved by their misery.
Numbers 21:7
- Then the people came to Moses and cried out, "We have sinned by speaking against the LORD and against you. Pray that the LORD will take away the snakes." So Moses prayed for the people.
Isaiah 63:9
- In all their suffering he also suffered, and he personally rescued them. In his love and mercy he redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.
Genesis 21:17
- Then God heard the boy's cries, and the angel of God called to Hagar from the sky, "Hagar, what's wrong? Do not be afraid! God has heard the boy's cries from the place where you laid him.
Genesis 31:42
- In fact, except for the grace of God--the God of my grandfather Abraham, the awe-inspiring God of my father, Isaac--you would have sent me off without a penny to my name. But God has seen your cruelty and my hard work. That is why he appeared to you last night and vindicated me."
2 Kings 13:22
- King Hazael of Aram had oppressed Israel during the entire reign of King Jehoahaz.
Judges 6:6
- So Israel was reduced to starvation by the Midianites. Then the Israelites cried out to the LORD for help.
- When they cried out to the LORD because of Midian,
Psalms 50:15
- Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory."
Judges 10:10
- Finally, they cried out to the LORD, saying, "We have sinned against you because we have abandoned you as our God and have served the images of Baal."
2 Chronicles 33:12
- But while in deep distress, Manasseh sought the LORD his God and cried out humbly to the God of his ancestors.
- And when he prayed, the LORD listened to him and was moved by his request for help. So the LORD let Manasseh return to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Manasseh had finally realized that the LORD alone is God!
Jeremiah 33:3
- Ask me and I will tell you some remarkable secrets about what is going to happen here.
2 Chronicles 33:19
- Manasseh's prayer, the account of the way God answered him, and an account of all his sins and unfaithfulness are recorded in The Record of the Seers. It includes a list of the locations where he built pagan shrines and set up Asherah poles and idols before he repented.
Jeremiah 2:27
- To an image carved from a piece of wood they say, `You are my father.' To an idol chiseled out of stone they say, `You are my mother.' They turn their backs on me, but in times of trouble they cry out for me to save them!
Psalms 106:43
- Again and again he delivered them, but they continued to rebel against him, and they were finally destroyed by their sin.
- Even so, he pitied them in their distress and listened to their cries.
Isaiah 26:16
- LORD, in distress we searched for you. We were bowed beneath the burden of your discipline.