2Ki 10:3 Cross References
2 Kings 10:3
3: select the best qualified of King Ahab's sons to be your king, and prepare to fight for Ahab's dynasty."
1 Samuel 11:15
- So they went to Gilgal, and in a solemn ceremony before the LORD they crowned him king. Then they offered peace offerings to the LORD, and Saul and all the Israelites were very happy.
Deuteronomy 17:14
- "You will soon arrive in the land the LORD your God is giving you, and you will conquer it and settle there. Then you may begin to think, `We ought to have a king like the other nations around us.'
- If this happens, be sure that you select as king the man the LORD your God chooses. You must appoint a fellow Israelite, not a foreigner.
1 Kings 1:24
- He asked, "My lord, have you decided that Adonijah will be the next king and that he will sit on your throne?
- Today he has sacrificed many oxen, fattened calves, and sheep, and he has invited your sons to attend the celebration. He also invited Joab, the commander of the army, and Abiathar the priest. They are feasting and drinking with him and shouting, `Long live King Adonijah!'
2 Samuel 2:8
- But Abner son of Ner, the commander of Saul's army, had already gone to Mahanaim with Saul's son Ishbosheth.
- There he proclaimed Ishbosheth king over Gilead, Jezreel, Ephraim, Benjamin, the land of the Ashurites, and all the rest of Israel.
John 18:36
- Then Jesus answered, "I am not an earthly king. If I were, my followers would have fought when I was arrested by the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world."
1 Kings 12:20
- When the people of Israel learned of Jeroboam's return from Egypt, they called an assembly and made him king over all Israel. So only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the family of David.
- When Rehoboam arrived at Jerusalem, he mobilized the armies of Judah and Benjamin--180,000 select troops--to fight against the army of Israel and to restore the kingdom to himself.
1 Samuel 10:24
- Then Samuel said to all the people, "This is the man the LORD has chosen as your king. No one in all Israel is his equal!" And all the people shouted, "Long live the king!"
2 Samuel 2:12
- One day Abner led some of Ishbosheth's troops from Mahanaim to Gibeon.
- About the same time, Joab son of Zeruiah led David's troops from Hebron, and they met Abner at the pool of Gibeon. The two groups sat down there, facing each other from opposite sides of the pool.
- Then Abner suggested to Joab, "Let's have a few of our warriors put on an exhibition of hand-to-hand combat.All right," Joab agreed.
- So twelve men were chosen from each side to fight against each other.
- Each one grabbed his opponent by the hair and thrust his sword into the other's side so that all of them died. The place has been known ever since as the Field of Swords.