2Cor 12:18 Cross References
2 Corinthians 12:18
18: When I urged Titus to visit you and sent our other brother with him, did Titus take advantage of you? No, of course not! For we both have the same Spirit and walk in each other's steps, doing things the same way.
2 Corinthians 8:6
- So we have urged Titus, who encouraged your giving in the first place, to return to you and encourage you to complete your share in this ministry of giving.
Romans 4:12
- And Abraham is also the spiritual father of those who have been circumcised, but only if they have the same kind of faith Abraham had before he was circumcised.
2 Corinthians 7:2
- Please open your hearts to us. We have not done wrong to anyone. We have not led anyone astray. We have not taken advantage of anyone.
2 Corinthians 8:16
- I am thankful to God that he has given Titus the same enthusiasm for you that I have.
- He welcomed our request that he visit you again. In fact, he himself was eager to go and see you.
- We are also sending another brother with Titus. He is highly praised in all the churches as a preacher of the Good News.
- He was appointed by the churches to accompany us as we take the offering to Jerusalem--a service that glorifies the Lord and shows our eagerness to help.
- By traveling together we will guard against any suspicion, for we are anxious that no one should find fault with the way we are handling this generous gift.
2 Corinthians 7:6
- But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus.
Numbers 16:15
- Then Moses became very angry and said to the LORD, "Do not accept their offerings! I have not taken so much as a donkey from them, and I have never hurt a single one of them."
Nehemiah 5:14
- I would like to mention that for the entire twelve years that I was governor of Judah--from the twentieth until the thirty-second year of the reign of King Artaxerxes--neither I nor my officials drew on our official food allowance.
Philippians 2:19
- If the Lord Jesus is willing, I hope to send Timothy to you soon. Then when he comes back, he can cheer me up by telling me how you are getting along.
- I have no one else like Timothy, who genuinely cares about your welfare.
- All the others care only for themselves and not for what matters to Jesus Christ.
- But you know how Timothy has proved himself. Like a son with his father, he has helped me in preaching the Good News.
1 Samuel 12:3
- Now tell me as I stand before the LORD and before his anointed one--whose ox or donkey have I stolen? Have I ever cheated any of you? Have I ever oppressed you? Have I ever taken a bribe? Tell me and I will make right whatever I have done wrong."
- "No," they replied, "you have never cheated or oppressed us in any way, and you have never taken even a single bribe."
2 Corinthians 2:12
- Well, when I came to the city of Troas to preach the Good News of Christ, the Lord gave me tremendous opportunities.
- But I couldn't rest because my dear brother Titus hadn't yet arrived with a report from you. So I said good-bye and went on to Macedonia to find him.
Acts 20:33
- "I have never coveted anyone's money or fine clothing.
- You know that these hands of mine have worked to pay my own way, and I have even supplied the needs of those who were with me.
- And I have been a constant example of how you can help the poor by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
1 Peter 2:21
- This suffering is all part of what God has called you to. Christ, who suffered for you, is your example. Follow in his steps.