2Chr 7:10 Cross References
2 Chronicles 7:10
10: Then at the end of the celebration, Solomon sent the people home. They were all joyful and happy because the LORD had been so good to David and Solomon and to his people Israel.
1 Kings 8:66
- After the festival was over, Solomon sent the people home. They blessed the king as they went, and they were all joyful and happy because the LORD had been good to his servant David and to his people Israel.
Deuteronomy 16:11
- It is a time to celebrate before the LORD your God at the place he chooses for his name to be honored. Celebrate with your whole family, all your servants, the Levites from your towns, and the foreigners, orphans, and widows who live among you.
Deuteronomy 16:14
- This festival will be a happy time of rejoicing with your family, your servants, and with the Levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows from your towns.
Deuteronomy 12:18
- You must eat these in the presence of the LORD your God at the place he will choose. Eat them there with your children, your servants, and the Levites who live in your towns, celebrating in the presence of the LORD your God in all you do.
Deuteronomy 12:12
- You must celebrate there with your sons and daughters and all your servants in the presence of the LORD your God. And remember the Levites who live in your towns, for they will have no inheritance of land as their own.
Psalms 92:4
- You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.
Psalms 100:2
- Worship the LORD with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.
Psalms 32:11
- So rejoice in the LORD and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!
- Let the godly sing with joy to the LORD, for it is fitting to praise him.
Nehemiah 8:10
- And Nehemiah continued, "Go and celebrate with a feast of choice foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don't be dejected and sad, for the joy of the LORD is your strength!"
Philippians 4:4
- Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--rejoice!
2 Chronicles 6:41
- And now, O LORD God, arise and enter this resting place of yours, where your magnificent Ark has been placed. May your priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and may your saints rejoice in your goodness.
Acts 2:46
- They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity--
Acts 16:34
- Then he brought them into his house and set a meal before them. He and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God.
Deuteronomy 12:7
- There you and your families will feast in the presence of the LORD your God, and you will rejoice in all you have accomplished because the LORD your God has blessed you.
2 Chronicles 30:26
- There was great joy in the city, for Jerusalem had not seen a celebration like this one since the days of Solomon, King David's son.
Psalms 106:5
- Let me share in the prosperity of your chosen ones. Let me rejoice in the joy of your people; let me praise you with those who are your heritage.
Exodus 18:1
- Word soon reached Jethro, the priest of Midian and Moses' father-in-law, about all the wonderful things God had done for Moses and his people, the Israelites. He had heard about how the LORD had brought them safely out of Egypt.
2 Chronicles 29:36
- And Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced greatly because of what God had done for the people, for everything had been accomplished so quickly.
Psalms 105:3
- Exult in his holy name; O worshipers of the LORD, rejoice!