2Chr 34:21 Cross References
2 Chronicles 34:21
21: "Go to the Temple and speak to the LORD for me and for all the remnant of Israel and Judah. Ask him about the words written in this scroll that has been found. The LORD's anger has been poured out against us because our ancestors have not obeyed the word of the LORD. We have not been doing what this scroll says we must do."
Ezekiel 14:1
- Then some of the leaders of Israel visited me, and while they were there,
- this message came to me from the LORD:
- "Son of man, these leaders have set up idols in their hearts. They have embraced things that lead them into sin. Why should I let them ask me anything?
- Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: I, the LORD, will punish the people of Israel who set up idols in their hearts so they fall into sin and then come to a prophet asking for help.
- I will do this to capture the minds and hearts of all my people who have turned from me to worship their detestable idols.
2 Chronicles 28:6
- In a single day Pekah son of Remaliah, Israel's king, killed 120,000 of Judah's troops because they had abandoned the LORD, the God of their ancestors.
Jeremiah 21:2
- "Please ask the LORD to help us. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has begun his attack on Judah. Perhaps the LORD will be gracious and do a mighty miracle as he has done in the past. Perhaps he will force Nebuchadnezzar to withdraw his armies."
2 Chronicles 29:8
- That is why the LORD's anger has fallen upon Judah and Jerusalem. He has made us an object of dread, horror, and ridicule, as you can so plainly see.
Deuteronomy 32:15
- But Israel soon became fat and unruly; the people grew heavy, plump, and stuffed! Then they abandoned the God who had made them; they made light of the Rock of their salvation.
- They stirred up his jealousy by worshiping foreign gods; they provoked his fury with detestable acts.
- They offered sacrifices to demons, non-gods, to gods they had not known before, to gods only recently arrived, to gods their ancestors had never feared.
- You neglected the Rock who had fathered you; you forgot the God who had given you birth.
- "The LORD saw this and was filled with loathing. He was provoked to anger by his own sons and daughters.
Ezekiel 20:1
- On August 14, during the seventh year of King Jehoiachin's captivity, some of the leaders of Israel came to request a message from the LORD. They sat down in front of me to wait for his reply.
- Then this message came to me from the LORD:
- "Son of man, give the leaders of Israel this message from the Sovereign LORD: How dare you come to ask for my help? As surely as I live, I will tell you nothing. This is the word of the Sovereign LORD!
- "Son of man, bring judgment against them and condemn them. Make them realize how loathsome the actions of their ancestors really were.
- Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: When I chose Israel and revealed myself to her in Egypt, I swore that I, the LORD, would be her God.
1 Samuel 9:9
- (In those days if people wanted a message from God, they would say, "Let's go and ask the seer," for prophets used to be called seers.)
Romans 2:8
- But he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and practice evil deeds.
- There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on sinning--for the Jew first and also for the Gentile.
- But there will be glory and honor and peace from God for all who do good--for the Jew first and also for the Gentile.
- For God does not show favoritism.
- God will punish the Gentiles when they sin, even though they never had God's written law. And he will punish the Jews when they sin, for they do have the law.
Romans 1:18
- But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves.
Romans 4:15
- But the law brings punishment on those who try to obey it. (The only way to avoid breaking the law is to have no law to break!)
Deuteronomy 29:18
- The LORD made this covenant with you so that no man, woman, family, or tribe among you would turn away from the LORD our God to worship these gods of other nations, and so that no root among you would bear bitter and poisonous fruit.
- Let none of those who hear the warnings of this curse consider themselves immune, thinking, `I am safe, even though I am walking in my own stubborn way.' This would lead to utter ruin!
- The LORD will not pardon such people. His anger and jealousy will burn against them. All the curses written in this book will come down on them, and the LORD will erase their names from under heaven.
- The LORD will separate them from all the tribes of Israel, to pour out on them all the covenant curses recorded in this Book of the Law.
- "Then the generations to come, both your own descendants and the foreigners who come from distant lands, will see the devastation of the land and the diseases the LORD will send against it.
Deuteronomy 30:17
- But if your heart turns away and you refuse to listen, and if you are drawn away to serve and worship other gods,
- then I warn you now that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live a long, good life in the land you are crossing the Jordan to occupy.
- "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live!
Deuteronomy 28:15
- "But if you refuse to listen to the LORD your God and do not obey all the commands and laws I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overwhelm you:
Exodus 18:15
- Moses replied, "Well, the people come to me to seek God's guidance.
2 Chronicles 33:11
- So the LORD sent the Assyrian armies, and they took Manasseh prisoner. They put a ring through his nose, bound him in bronze chains, and led him away to Babylon.
2 Kings 17:6
- Finally, in the ninth year of King Hoshea's reign, Samaria fell, and the people of Israel were exiled to Assyria. They were settled in colonies in Halah, along the banks of the Habor River in Gozan, and among the cities of the Medes.
- This disaster came upon the nation of Israel because the people worshiped other gods, sinning against the LORD their God, who had brought them safely out of their slavery in Egypt.
Deuteronomy 31:16
- The LORD said to Moses, "You are about to die and join your ancestors. After you are gone, these people will begin worshiping foreign gods, the gods of the land where they are going. They will abandon me and break the covenant I have made with them.
- Then my anger will blaze forth against them. I will abandon them, hiding my face from them, and they will be destroyed. Terrible trouble will come down on them, so that they will say, `These disasters have come because God is no longer among us!'
- At that time I will hide my face from them on account of all the sins they have committed by worshiping other gods.
- "Now write down the words of this song, and teach it to the people of Israel. Teach them to sing it, so it may serve as a witness against them.
- For I will bring them into the land I swore to give their ancestors--a land flowing with milk and honey. There they will become prosperous; they will eat all the food they want and become well nourished. Then they will begin to worship other gods; they will despise me and break my covenant.
Leviticus 26:14
- "However, if you do not listen to me or obey my commands,
- and if you break my covenant by rejecting my laws and treating my regulations with contempt,
- I will punish you. You will suffer from sudden terrors, with wasting diseases, and with burning fevers, causing your eyes to fail and your life to ebb away. You will plant your crops in vain because your enemies will eat them.
- I will turn against you, and you will be defeated by all your enemies. They will rule over you, and you will run even when no one is chasing you!
- "And if, in spite of this, you still disobey me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over.
2 Kings 22:13
- "Go to the Temple and speak to the LORD for me and for the people and for all Judah. Ask him about the words written in this scroll that has been found. The LORD's anger is burning against us because our ancestors have not obeyed the words in this scroll. We have not been doing what this scroll says we must do."
Jeremiah 42:2
- Jeremiah the prophet. They said, "Please pray to the LORD your God for us. As you know, we are only a tiny remnant compared to what we were before.
1 Kings 22:5
- Then Jehoshaphat added, "But first let's find out what the LORD says."
- So King Ahab summoned his prophets, about four hundred of them, and asked them, "Should I go to war against Ramoth-gilead or not?" They all replied, "Go right ahead! The Lord will give you a glorious victory!"
- But Jehoshaphat asked, "Isn't there a prophet of the LORD around, too? I would like to ask him the same question."
Isaiah 37:2
- And he sent Eliakim the palace administrator, Shebna the court secretary, and the leading priests, all dressed in sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.
- They told him, "This is what King Hezekiah says: This is a day of trouble, insult, and disgrace. It is like when a child is ready to be born, but the mother has no strength to deliver it.
- But perhaps the LORD your God has heard the Assyrian representative defying the living God and will punish him for his words. Oh, pray for those of us who are left!"