2Chr 33:22 Cross References
2 Chronicles 33:22
22: He did what was evil in the LORD's sight, just as his father Manasseh had done. He worshiped and sacrificed to all the idols his father had made.
2 Kings 21:20
- He did what was evil in the LORD's sight, just as his father, Manasseh, had done.
2 Kings 21:1
- Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years. His mother was Hephzibah.
- He did what was evil in the LORD's sight, imitating the detestable practices of the pagan nations whom the LORD had driven from the land ahead of the Israelites.
- He rebuilt the pagan shrines his father, Hezekiah, had destroyed. He constructed altars for Baal and set up an Asherah pole, just as King Ahab of Israel had done. He also bowed before all the forces of heaven and worshiped them.
- He even built pagan altars in the Temple of the LORD, the place where the LORD had said his name should be honored.
- He built these altars for all the forces of heaven in both courtyards of the LORD's Temple.
Ezekiel 20:18
- "Then I warned their children and told them not to follow in their parents' footsteps, defiling themselves with their idols.
2 Chronicles 33:1
- Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years.
- He did what was evil in the LORD's sight, imitating the detestable practices of the pagan nations whom the LORD had driven from the land ahead of the Israelites.
- He rebuilt the pagan shrines his father Hezekiah had destroyed. He constructed altars for the images of Baal and set up Asherah poles. He also bowed before all the stars of heaven and worshiped them.
- He even built pagan altars in the Temple of the LORD, the place where the LORD had said his name should be honored forever.
- He put these altars for the stars of heaven in both courtyards of the LORD's Temple.
Isaiah 44:13
- Then the wood-carver measures and marks out a block of wood, takes the tool, and carves the figure of a man. Now he has a wonderful idol that cannot even move from where it is placed!
- He cuts down cedars; he selects the cypress and the oak; he plants the cedar in the forest to be nourished by the rain.
- And after his care, he uses part of the wood to make a fire to warm himself and bake his bread. Then--yes, it's true--he takes the rest of it and makes himself a god for people to worship! He makes an idol and bows down and praises it!
- He burns part of the tree to roast his meat and to keep himself warm.
- Then he takes what's left and makes his god: a carved idol! He falls down in front of it, worshiping and praying to it. "Rescue me!" he says. "You are my god!"
2 Chronicles 34:3
- During the eighth year of his reign, while he was still young, Josiah began to seek the God of his ancestor David. Then in the twelfth year, he began to purify Judah and Jerusalem, destroying all the pagan shrines, the Asherah poles, and the carved idols and cast images.
- He saw to it that the altars for the images of Baal and their incense altars were torn down. He also made sure that the Asherah poles, the carved idols, and the cast images were smashed and scattered over the graves of those who had sacrificed to them.