2Chr 31:3 Cross References
2 Chronicles 31:3
3: The king also made a personal contribution of animals for the daily morning and evening burnt offerings, as well as for the weekly Sabbath festivals and monthly new moon festivals, and for the other annual festivals as required in the law of the LORD.
Ezekiel 45:17
- The prince will be required to provide offerings that are given at the religious festivals, the new moon celebrations, the Sabbath days, and all other similar occasions. He will provide the sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, and peace offerings to make reconciliation for the people of Israel.
Colossians 2:16
- So don't let anyone condemn you for what you eat or drink, or for not celebrating certain holy days or new-moon ceremonies or Sabbaths.
- For these rules were only shadows of the real thing, Christ himself.
2 Chronicles 35:7
- Then Josiah contributed from his personal property thirty thousand lambs and young goats for the people's Passover offerings, and three thousand bulls.
Numbers 28:1
- The LORD said to Moses,
- "Give these instructions to the people of Israel: The offerings you present to me by fire on the altar are my food, and they are very pleasing to me. See to it that they are brought at the appointed times and offered according to my instructions.
- "Say to them: When you present your daily whole burnt offerings to the LORD, you must offer two one-year-old male lambs with no physical defects.
- One lamb will be sacrificed in the morning and the other in the evening.
- With each lamb you must offer a grain offering of two quarts of choice flour mixed with one quart of olive oil.
Deuteronomy 16:1
- "In honor of the LORD your God, always celebrate the Passover at the proper time in early spring, for that was when the LORD your God brought you out of Egypt by night.
- Your Passover sacrifice may be from either the flock or the herd, and it must be sacrificed to the LORD your God at the place he chooses for his name to be honored.
- Eat it with bread made without yeast. For seven days eat only bread made without yeast, as you did when you escaped from Egypt in such a hurry. Eat this bread--the bread of suffering--so that you will remember the day you departed from Egypt as long as you live.
- Let no yeast be found in any house throughout your land for seven days. And do not let any of the meat of the Passover lamb remain until the next morning.
- "The Passover must not be eaten in the towns that the LORD your God is giving you.
Psalms 81:1
- Sing praises to God, our strength. Sing to the God of Israel.
- Sing! Beat the tambourine. Play the sweet lyre and the harp.
- Sound the trumpet for a sacred feast when the moon is new, when the moon is full.
- For this is required by the laws of Israel; it is a law of the God of Jacob.
Ezekiel 46:4
- "Each Sabbath day the prince will present to the LORD a burnt offering of six lambs and one ram, all with no physical defects.
- He will present a grain offering of a half bushel of flour to go with the ram and whatever amount of flour he chooses to go with each lamb. He is to offer one gallon of olive oil for each half bushel of flour.
- At the new moon celebrations, he will bring one young bull, six lambs, and one ram, all with no physical defects.
- With the young bull he must bring a half bushel of flour for a grain offering. With the ram he must bring another half bushel of flour. And with each lamb he is to bring whatever amount of flour that he decides to give. With each half bushel of flour he must offer one gallon of olive oil.
Leviticus 23:2
- "Give the Israelites instructions regarding the LORD's appointed festivals, the days when all of you will be summoned to worship me.
- You may work for six days each week, but on the seventh day all work must come to a complete stop. It is the LORD's Sabbath day of complete rest, a holy day to assemble for worship. It must be observed wherever you live.
- In addition to the Sabbath, the LORD has established festivals, the holy occasions to be observed at the proper time each year.
- "First comes the LORD's Passover, which begins at twilight on its appointed day in early spring.
- Then the day after the Passover celebration, the Festival of Unleavened Bread begins. This festival to the LORD continues for seven days, and during that time all the bread you eat must be made without yeast.
Ezekiel 46:12
- Whenever the prince offers a voluntary burnt offering or peace offering to the LORD, the east gateway to the inner courtyard will be opened for him to enter, and he will offer his sacrifices just as he does on Sabbath days. Then he will turn and leave the way he entered, and the gateway will be shut behind him.
- "Each morning a year-old lamb with no physical defects must be sacrificed as a burnt offering to the LORD.
- With the lamb, a grain offering must also be given to the LORD--about two and a half quarts of flour with a third of a gallon of olive oil to moisten the flour. This will be a permanent law for you.
- The lamb, the grain offering, and the olive oil must be given as a daily sacrifice every morning without fail.
- "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: If the prince gives a gift of land to one of his sons, it will belong to him and his descendants forever.
1 Chronicles 26:26
- Shelomoth and his relatives were in charge of the treasuries that held all the things dedicated to the LORD by King David, the family leaders, and the generals and captains and other officers of the army.
2 Chronicles 30:24
- King Hezekiah gave the people one thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep for offerings, and the officials donated one thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep. Meanwhile, many more priests purified themselves.
Exodus 29:38
- "This is what you are to offer on the altar. Offer two one-year-old lambs each day,
- one in the morning and the other in the evening.
- With one of them, offer two quarts of fine flour mixed with one quart of olive oil; also, offer one quart of wine as a drink offering.
- Offer the other lamb in the evening, along with the same offerings of flour and wine as in the morning. It will be a fragrant offering to the LORD, an offering made by fire.
- "This is to be a daily burnt offering given from generation to generation. Offer it in the LORD's presence at the Tabernacle entrance, where I will meet you and speak with you.