2Chr 24:18 Cross References
2 Chronicles 24:18
18: They decided to abandon the Temple of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and they worshiped Asherah poles and idols instead! Then the anger of God burned against Judah and Jerusalem because of their sin.
Joshua 22:20
- Didn't God punish all the people of Israel when Achan, a member of the clan of Zerah, sinned by stealing the things set apart for the LORD? He was not the only one who died because of that sin."
2 Chronicles 19:2
- Jehu son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him. "Why should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD?" he asked the king. "What you have done has brought the LORD's anger against you.
2 Chronicles 24:4
- Some time later, Joash decided to repair and restore the Temple of the LORD.
2 Chronicles 28:13
- "You must not bring the prisoners here!" they declared. "We cannot afford to add to our sins and guilt. Our guilt is already great, and the LORD's fierce anger is already turned against Israel."
1 Kings 14:23
- They built pagan shrines and set up sacred pillars and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every green tree.
Ephesians 5:6
- Don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the terrible anger of God comes upon all those who disobey him.
2 Chronicles 32:25
- But Hezekiah did not respond appropriately to the kindness shown him, and he became proud. So the LORD's anger came against him and against Judah and Jerusalem.
2 Samuel 24:1
- Once again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he caused David to harm them by taking a census. "Go and count the people of Israel and Judah," the LORD told him.
1 Kings 14:9
- You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made other gods and have made me furious with your gold calves. And since you have turned your back on me,
Judges 5:8
- When Israel chose new gods, war erupted at the city gates. Yet not a shield or spear could be seen among forty thousand warriors in Israel!
2 Chronicles 29:8
- That is why the LORD's anger has fallen upon Judah and Jerusalem. He has made us an object of dread, horror, and ridicule, as you can so plainly see.
Zephaniah 1:4
- "I will crush Judah and Jerusalem with my fist and destroy every last trace of their Baal worship. I will put an end to all the idolatrous priests, so that even the memory of them will disappear.
- For they go up to their roofs and bow to the sun, moon, and stars. They claim to follow the LORD, but then they worship Molech, too. So now I will destroy them!
- And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do. They no longer ask for the LORD's guidance or seek my blessings."
2 Chronicles 21:13
- Instead, you have been as evil as the kings of Israel. You have led the people of Jerusalem and Judah to worship idols, just as King Ahab did in Israel. And you have even killed your own brothers, men who were better than you.
2 Chronicles 33:3
- He rebuilt the pagan shrines his father Hezekiah had destroyed. He constructed altars for the images of Baal and set up Asherah poles. He also bowed before all the stars of heaven and worshiped them.
- He even built pagan altars in the Temple of the LORD, the place where the LORD had said his name should be honored forever.
- He put these altars for the stars of heaven in both courtyards of the LORD's Temple.
- Manasseh even sacrificed his own sons in the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom. He practiced sorcery, divination, and witchcraft, and he consulted with mediums and psychics. He did much that was evil in the LORD's sight, arousing his anger.
- Manasseh even took a carved idol he had made and set it up in God's Temple, the very place where God had told David and his son Solomon: "My name will be honored here forever in this Temple and in Jerusalem--the city I have chosen from among all the other tribes of Israel.
Exodus 34:13
- Instead, you must break down their pagan altars, smash the sacred pillars they worship, and cut down their carved images.
2 Chronicles 36:14
- All the leaders of the priests and the people became more and more unfaithful. They followed the pagan practices of the surrounding nations, desecrating the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem.
- The LORD, the God of their ancestors, repeatedly sent his prophets to warn them, for he had compassion on his people and his Temple.
- But the people mocked these messengers of God and despised their words. They scoffed at the prophets until the LORD's anger could no longer be restrained and there was no remedy.
Hosea 5:10
- "The leaders of Judah have become as bad as thieves. So I will pour my anger down on them like a waterfall.
- The people of Israel will be crushed and broken by my judgment because they are determined to worship idols.
Hosea 5:14
- I will tear at Israel and Judah as a lion rips apart its prey. I will carry them off, and there will be no one left to rescue them.
1 Kings 11:4
- In Solomon's old age, they turned his heart to worship their gods instead of trusting only in the LORD his God, as his father, David, had done.
- Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites.