2Chr 2:8 Cross References
2 Chronicles 2:8
8: Also send me cedar, cypress, and almug logs from Lebanon, for I know that your men are without equal at cutting timber. I will send my men to help them.
1 Kings 5:6
- Now please command that cedars from Lebanon be cut for me. Let my men work alongside yours, and I will pay your men whatever wages you ask. As you know, there is no one among us who can cut timber like you Sidonians!"
2 Chronicles 9:10
- (When the crews of Hiram and Solomon brought gold from Ophir, they also brought rich cargoes of almug wood and precious jewels.
- The king used the almug wood to make steps for the Temple of the LORD and the royal palace, and to construct harps and lyres for the musicians. Never before had there been such beautiful instruments in Judah.)
1 Kings 10:11
- (When Hiram's ships brought gold from Ophir, they also brought rich cargoes of almug wood and precious jewels.