2Chr 14:4 Cross References
2 Chronicles 14:4
4: He commanded the people of Judah to seek the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his law and his commands.
1 Samuel 3:13
- I have warned him continually that judgment is coming for his family, because his sons are blaspheming God and he hasn't disciplined them.
Ezra 10:7
- Then a proclamation was made throughout Judah and Jerusalem that all the returned exiles should come to Jerusalem.
- Those who failed to come within three days would, if the leaders and elders so decided, forfeit all their property and be expelled from the assembly of the exiles.
- Within three days, all the people of Judah and Benjamin had gathered in Jerusalem. This took place on December 19, and all the people were sitting in the square before the Temple of God. They were trembling both because of the seriousness of the matter and because it was raining.
- Then Ezra the priest stood and said to them: "You have sinned, for you have married pagan women. Now we are even more deeply under condemnation than we were before.
- Confess your sin to the LORD, the God of your ancestors, and do what he demands. Separate yourselves from the people of the land and from these pagan women."
Joshua 24:15
- But if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD."
Amos 5:4
- Now this is what the LORD says to the family of Israel: "Come back to me and live!
Isaiah 55:6
- Seek the LORD while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.
- Let the people turn from their wicked deeds. Let them banish from their minds the very thought of doing wrong! Let them turn to the LORD that he may have mercy on them. Yes, turn to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Psalms 101:2
- I will be careful to live a blameless life--when will you come to my aid? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.
- I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all crooked dealings; I will have nothing to do with them.
- I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.
- I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride.
- I will keep a protective eye on the godly, so they may dwell with me in safety. Only those who are above reproach will be allowed to serve me.
Nehemiah 10:29
- now all heartily bound themselves with an oath. They vowed to accept the curse of God if they failed to obey the law of God as issued by his servant Moses. They solemnly promised to carefully follow all the commands, laws, and regulations of the LORD their Lord.
- "We promise not to let our daughters marry the pagan people of the land, nor to let our sons marry their daughters.
- We further promise that if the people of the land should bring any merchandise or grain to be sold on the Sabbath or on any other holy day, we will refuse to buy it. And we promise not to do any work every seventh year and to cancel the debts owed to us by other Jews.
- "In addition, we promise to obey the command to pay the annual Temple tax of an eighth of an ounce of silver, so that there will be enough money to care for the Temple of our God.
- This will provide for the Bread of the Presence; for the regular grain offerings and burnt offerings; for the offerings on the Sabbaths, the new moon celebrations, and the annual festivals; for the holy offerings; and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel. It will also provide for the other items necessary for the work of the Temple of our God.
2 Chronicles 34:32
- And he required everyone in Jerusalem and the people of Benjamin to make a similar pledge. As the people of Jerusalem did this, they renewed their covenant with God, the God of their ancestors.
- So Josiah removed all detestable idols from the entire land of Israel and required everyone to worship the LORD their God. And throughout the rest of his lifetime, they did not turn away from the LORD, the God of their ancestors.
2 Chronicles 11:16
- From all over Israel, those who sincerely wanted to worship the LORD, the God of Israel, followed the Levites to Jerusalem, where they could offer sacrifices to the LORD, the God of their ancestors.
2 Chronicles 33:16
- Then he restored the altar of the LORD and sacrificed peace offerings and thanksgiving offerings on it. He also encouraged the people of Judah to worship the LORD, the God of Israel.
Psalms 119:10
- I have tried my best to find you--don't let me wander from your commands.
2 Chronicles 30:19
- who decide to follow the LORD, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony."
2 Chronicles 29:21
- They brought seven bulls, seven rams, seven lambs, and seven male goats as a sin offering for the kingdom, for the Temple, and for Judah. The king commanded the priests, who were descendants of Aaron, to sacrifice the animals on the altar of the LORD.
Nehemiah 13:9
- Then I demanded that the rooms be purified, and I brought back the utensils for God's Temple, the grain offerings, and the frankincense.
Genesis 18:19
- I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the LORD and do what is right and just. Then I will do for him all that I have promised."
2 Chronicles 29:30
- King Hezekiah and the officials ordered the Levites to praise the LORD with the psalms of David and Asaph the seer. So they offered joyous praise and bowed down in worship.
2 Chronicles 29:27
- Then Hezekiah ordered that the burnt offering be placed on the altar. As the burnt offering was presented, songs of praise to the LORD were begun, accompanied by the trumpets and other instruments of David, king of Israel.
2 Chronicles 30:12
- At the same time, God's hand was on the people in the land of Judah, giving them a strong desire to unite in obeying the orders of the king and his officials, who were following the word of the LORD.
Nehemiah 13:19
- So I commanded that from then on the gates of the city should be shut as darkness fell every Friday evening, not to be opened until the Sabbath ended. I also sent some of my own servants to guard the gates so that no merchandise could be brought in on the Sabbath day.
- The merchants and tradesmen with a variety of wares camped outside Jerusalem once or twice.
- But I spoke sharply to them and said, "What are you doing out here, camping around the wall? If you do this again, I will arrest you!" And that was the last time they came on the Sabbath.
- Then I commanded the Levites to purify themselves and to guard the gates in order to preserve the holiness of the Sabbath. Remember this good deed also, O my God! Have compassion on me according to your great and unfailing love.