2Chr 12:6 Cross References
2 Chronicles 12:6
6: The king and the leaders of Israel humbled themselves and said, "The LORD is right in doing this to us!"
Exodus 9:27
- Then Pharaoh urgently sent for Moses and Aaron. "I finally admit my fault," he confessed. "The LORD is right, and my people and I are wrong.
Daniel 9:14
- The LORD has brought against us the disaster he prepared, for we did not obey him, and the LORD our God is just in everything he does.
Romans 10:3
- For they don't understand God's way of making people right with himself. Instead, they are clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. They won't go along with God's way.
Judges 1:7
- Adoni-bezek said, "I once had seventy kings with thumbs and big toes cut off, eating scraps from under my table. Now God has paid me back for what I did to them." They took him to Jerusalem, and he died there.
Jeremiah 13:15
- Listen! Do not be proud, for the LORD has spoken.
Hosea 5:15
- Then I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and look to me for help. For as soon as trouble comes, they will search for me."
Job 33:27
- He will declare to his friends, `I sinned, but it was not worth it.
2 Chronicles 33:19
- Manasseh's prayer, the account of the way God answered him, and an account of all his sins and unfaithfulness are recorded in The Record of the Seers. It includes a list of the locations where he built pagan shrines and set up Asherah poles and idols before he repented.
Luke 18:14
- I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored."
Exodus 10:3
- So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, "This is what the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, says: How long will you refuse to submit to me? Let my people go, so they can worship me.
James 4:10
- When you bow down before the Lord and admit your dependence on him, he will lift you up and give you honor.
Psalms 78:34
- When God killed some of them, the rest finally sought him. They repented and turned to God.
- Then they remembered that God was their rock, that their redeemer was the Most High.
2 Chronicles 33:12
- But while in deep distress, Manasseh sought the LORD his God and cried out humbly to the God of his ancestors.
2 Chronicles 32:26
- Then Hezekiah repented of his pride, and the people of Jerusalem humbled themselves. So the LORD's anger did not come against them during Hezekiah's lifetime.
James 4:6
- He gives us more and more strength to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, "God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favor to the humble."
Psalms 129:4
- But the LORD is good; he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me.
Lamentations 1:18
- "And the LORD is right," she groans, "for I rebelled against him. Listen, people everywhere; look upon my anguish and despair, for my sons and daughters have been taken captive to distant lands.
Daniel 5:22
- "You are his successor, O Belshazzar, and you knew all this, yet you have not humbled yourself.
2 Chronicles 33:23
- But unlike his father, he did not humble himself before the LORD. Instead, Amon sinned even more.
Jeremiah 44:10
- To this very hour you have shown no remorse or reverence. No one has chosen to follow my law and the decrees I gave to you and your ancestors before you.
Jeremiah 13:18
- Say to the king and his mother, "Come down from your thrones and sit in the dust, for your glorious crowns will soon be snatched from your heads."
1 Kings 8:37
- "If there is a famine in the land, or plagues, or crop disease, or attacks of locusts or caterpillars, or if your people's enemies are in the land besieging their towns--whatever the trouble is--
- and if your people offer a prayer concerning their troubles or sorrow, raising their hands toward this Temple,
- then hear from heaven where you live, and forgive. Give your people whatever they deserve, for you alone know the human heart.
Leviticus 26:40
- "But at last my people will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors for betraying me and being hostile toward me.
- Finally, when I have given full expression to my hostility and have brought them to the land of their enemies, then at last their disobedient hearts will be humbled, and they will pay for their sins.