1Sa 8:18 Cross References
1 Samuel 8:18
18: When that day comes, you will beg for relief from this king you are demanding, but the LORD will not help you."
Micah 3:4
- Then you beg the LORD for help in times of trouble! Do you really expect him to listen? After all the evil you have done, he won't even look at you!
Isaiah 1:15
- From now on, when you lift up your hands in prayer, I will refuse to look. Even though you offer many prayers, I will not listen. For your hands are covered with the blood of your innocent victims.
Proverbs 1:25
- You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered.
- So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you--
- when calamity overcomes you like a storm, when you are engulfed by trouble, and when anguish and distress overwhelm you.
- "I will not answer when they cry for help. Even though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me.
Isaiah 8:21
- My people will be led away as captives, weary and hungry. And because they are hungry, they will rage and shake their fists at heaven and curse their king and their God.
Psalms 18:41
- They called for help, but no one came to rescue them. They cried to the LORD, but he refused to answer them.
Job 27:9
- Will God listen to their cry when trouble comes upon them?
Luke 13:25
- but when the head of the house has locked the door, it will be too late. Then you will stand outside knocking and pleading, 'Lord, open the door for us!' But he will reply, 'I do not know you.'
Proverbs 21:13
- Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.