1Sa 26:2 Cross References
1 Samuel 26:2
2: So Saul took three thousand of his best troops and went to hunt him down in the wilderness of Ziph.
1 Samuel 24:2
- So Saul chose three thousand special troops from throughout Israel and went to search for David and his men near the rocks of the wild goats.
Psalms 38:12
- Meanwhile, my enemies lay traps for me; they make plans to ruin me. They think up treacherous deeds all day long.
1 Samuel 23:23
- Discover his hiding places, and come back with a more definite report. Then I'll go with you. And if he is in the area at all, I'll track him down, even if I have to search every hiding place in Judah!"
- So the men of Ziph returned home ahead of Saul. Meanwhile, David and his men had moved into the wilderness of Maon in the Arabah Valley south of Jeshimon.
- When David heard that Saul and his men were searching for him, he went even farther into the wilderness to the great rock, and he remained there in the wilderness of Maon. But Saul kept after him.
1 Samuel 24:17
- And he said to David, "You are a better man than I am, for you have repaid me good for evil.
Psalms 140:4
- O LORD, keep me out of the hands of the wicked. Preserve me from those who are violent, for they are plotting against me.
- The proud have set a trap to catch me; they have stretched out a net; they have placed traps all along the way.
- I said to the LORD, "You are my God!" Listen, O LORD, to my cries for mercy!
- O Sovereign LORD, my strong savior, you protected me on the day of battle.
- LORD, do not give in to their evil desires. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, O God.
1 Samuel 13:2
- Saul selected three thousand special troops from the army of Israel and sent the rest of the men home. He took two thousand of the chosen men with him to Micmash and the hill country of Bethel. The other thousand went with Saul's son Jonathan to Gibeah in the land of Benjamin.