1Sa 14:1 Cross References
1 Samuel 14:1
1: One day Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, "Come on, let's go over to where the Philistines have their outpost." But Jonathan did not tell his father what he was doing.
1 Samuel 13:2
- Saul selected three thousand special troops from the army of Israel and sent the rest of the men home. He took two thousand of the chosen men with him to Micmash and the hill country of Bethel. The other thousand went with Saul's son Jonathan to Gibeah in the land of Benjamin.
2 Samuel 1:25
- How the mighty heroes have fallen in battle! Jonathan lies dead upon the hills.
- How I weep for you, my brother Jonathan! Oh, how much I loved you! And your love for me was deep, deeper than the love of women!
Judges 14:6
- At that moment the Spirit of the LORD powerfully took control of him, and he ripped the lion's jaws apart with his bare hands. He did it as easily as if it were a young goat. But he didn't tell his father or mother about it.
Micah 7:5
- Don't trust anyone--not your best friend or even your wife!
Judges 6:27
- So Gideon took ten of his servants and did as the LORD had commanded. But he did it at night because he was afraid of the other members of his father's household and the people of the town. He knew what would happen if they found out who had done it.
1 Samuel 14:39
- I vow by the name of the LORD who rescued Israel that the sinner will surely die, even if it is my own son Jonathan!" But no one would tell him what the trouble was.
- Then Saul said, "Jonathan and I will stand over here, and all of you stand over there." And the people agreed.
- Then Saul prayed, "O LORD, God of Israel, please show us who is guilty and who is innocent. Are Jonathan and I guilty, or is the sin among the others?" And Jonathan and Saul were chosen as the guilty ones, and the people were declared innocent.
- Then Saul said, "Now choose between me and Jonathan." And Jonathan was shown to be the guilty one.
- "Tell me what you have done," Saul demanded of Jonathan. "I tasted a little honey," Jonathan admitted. "It was only a little bit on the end of a stick. Does that deserve death?"
1 Samuel 13:22
- So none of the people of Israel had a sword or spear, except for Saul and Jonathan.
2 Samuel 1:4
- "What happened?" David demanded. "Tell me how the battle went." The man replied, "Our entire army fled. Many men are dead and wounded on the battlefield, and Saul and his son Jonathan have been killed."
- "How do you know that Saul and Jonathan are dead?" David demanded.
1 Samuel 25:19
- "Go on ahead. I will follow you shortly." But she didn't tell her husband what she was doing.
1 Samuel 18:1
- After David had finished talking with Saul, he met Jonathan, the king's son. There was an immediate bond of love between them, and they became the best of friends.
- From that day on Saul kept David with him at the palace and wouldn't let him return home.
- And Jonathan made a special vow to be David's friend,
- and he sealed the pact by giving him his robe, tunic, sword, bow, and belt.