1Ki 20:7 Cross References
1 Kings 20:7
7: Then Ahab summoned all the leaders of the land and said to them, "Look how this man is stirring up trouble! I already agreed when he sent the message demanding that I give him my wives and children and silver and gold."
2 Kings 5:7
- When the king of Israel read it, he tore his clothes in dismay and said, "This man sends me a leper to heal! Am I God, that I can kill and give life? He is only trying to find an excuse to invade us again."
1 Kings 8:1
- Solomon then summoned the leaders of all the tribes and families of Israel to assemble in Jerusalem. They were to bring the Ark of the LORD's covenant from its location in the City of David, also known as Zion, to its new place in the Temple.
Psalms 36:4
- They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots. Their course of action is never good. They make no attempt to turn from evil.
Romans 3:13
- "Their talk is foul, like the stench from an open grave. Their speech is filled with lies.The poison of a deadly snake drips from their lips."
- "Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."
- "They are quick to commit murder.
- Wherever they go, destruction and misery follow them.
- They do not know what true peace is."
Proverbs 11:14
- Without wise leadership, a nation falls; with many counselors, there is safety.
Psalms 140:2
- those who plot evil in their hearts and stir up trouble all day long.
Proverbs 6:14
- Their perverted hearts plot evil. They stir up trouble constantly.
Proverbs 11:27
- If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!
Daniel 11:27
- Seeking nothing but each other's harm, these kings will plot against each other at the conference table, attempting to deceive each other. But it will make no difference, for an end will still come at the appointed time.
Proverbs 24:2
- For they spend their days plotting violence, and their words are always stirring up trouble.
Psalms 7:14
- The wicked conceive evil; they are pregnant with trouble and give birth to lies.
Job 15:35
- They conceive trouble and evil, and their hearts give birth only to deceit."
1 Chronicles 13:1
- David consulted with all his officials, including the generals and captains of his army.
1 Chronicles 28:1
- David summoned all his officials to Jerusalem--the leaders of the tribes, the commanders of the twelve army divisions, the other generals and captains, the overseers of the royal property and livestock, the palace officials, the mighty men, and all the other warriors in the kingdom.
Psalms 62:3
- So many enemies against one man--all of them trying to kill me. To them I'm just a broken-down wall or a tottering fence.