1Ki 17:3 Cross References
1 Kings 17:3
3: "Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook at a place east of where it enters the Jordan River.
Hebrews 11:38
- They were too good for this world. They wandered over deserts and mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground.
1 Kings 22:25
- And Micaiah replied, "You will find out soon enough when you find yourself hiding in some secret room!"
Psalms 83:3
- They devise crafty schemes against your people, laying plans against your precious ones.
Psalms 31:20
- You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them. You shelter them in your presence, far from accusing tongues.
John 8:59
- At that point they picked up stones to kill him. But Jesus hid himself from them and left the Temple.
Revelation 12:14
- But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle. This allowed her to fly to a place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be cared for and protected from the dragon for a time, times, and half a time.
Jeremiah 36:19
- "You and Jeremiah should both hide," the officials told Baruch. "Don't tell anyone where you are!"
Jeremiah 36:26
- Then the king commanded his son Jerahmeel, Seraiah son of Azriel, and Shelemiah son of Abdeel to arrest Baruch and Jeremiah. But the LORD had hidden them.
Acts 17:14
- The believers acted at once, sending Paul on to the coast, while Silas and Timothy remained behind.
Revelation 12:6
- And the woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place to give her care for 1,260 days.