1Ki 13:7 Cross References
1 Kings 13:7
7: Then the king said to the man of God, "Come to the palace with me and have something to eat, and I will give you a gift."
2 Kings 5:15
- Then Naaman and his entire party went back to find the man of God. They stood before him, and Naaman said, "I know at last that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. Now please accept my gifts."
1 Samuel 9:7
- "But we don't have anything to offer him," Saul replied. "Even our food is gone, and we don't have a thing to give him."
- "Well," the servant said, "I have one small silver piece. We can at least offer it to him and see what happens!"
Judges 13:15
- Then Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, "Please stay here until we can prepare a young goat for you to eat."
1 Peter 5:2
- Care for the flock of God entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly--not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God.
Judges 19:21
- So he took them home with him and fed their donkeys. After they washed their feet, they had supper together.
Genesis 18:5
- Let me prepare some food to refresh you. Please stay awhile before continuing on your journey.All right," they said. "Do as you have said."
Malachi 1:10
- "I wish that someone among you would shut the Temple doors so that these worthless sacrifices could not be offered! I am not at all pleased with you," says the LORD Almighty, "and I will not accept your offerings.
Acts 8:18
- When Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given when the apostles placed their hands upon people's heads, he offered money to buy this power.
- "Let me have this power, too," he exclaimed, "so that when I lay my hands on people, they will receive the Holy Spirit!"
- But Peter replied, "May your money perish with you for thinking God's gift can be bought!
Jeremiah 40:5
- If you decide to stay, then return to Gedaliah son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan. He has been appointed governor of Judah by the king of Babylon. Stay there with the people he rules. But it's up to you; go wherever you like." Then Nebuzaradan gave Jeremiah some food and money and let him go.