1Ki 11:11 Cross References
1 Kings 11:11
11: So now the LORD said to him, "Since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my laws, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants.
1 Kings 12:15
- So the king paid no attention to the people's demands. This turn of events was the will of the LORD, for it fulfilled the LORD's message to Jeroboam son of Nebat through the prophet Ahijah from Shiloh.
- When all Israel realized that the king had rejected their request, they shouted, "Down with David and his dynasty! We have no share in Jesse's son! Let's go home, Israel! Look out for your own house, O David!" So the people of Israel returned home.
1 Kings 11:31
- Then he said to Jeroboam, "Take ten of these pieces, for this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: `I am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon, and I will give ten of the tribes to you!
1 Kings 12:20
- When the people of Israel learned of Jeroboam's return from Egypt, they called an assembly and made him king over all Israel. So only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the family of David.
Numbers 14:35
- I, the LORD, have spoken! I will do these things to every member of the community who has conspired against me. They will all die here in this wilderness!"
1 Samuel 15:26
- But Samuel replied, "I will not return with you! Since you have rejected the LORD's command, he has rejected you from being the king of Israel."
- As Samuel turned to go, Saul grabbed at him to try to hold him back and tore his robe.
- And Samuel said to him, "See? The LORD has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to someone else--one who is better than you.
2 Kings 17:21
- For when the LORD tore Israel away from the kingdom of David, they chose Jeroboam son of Nebat as their king. Then Jeroboam drew Israel away from following the LORD and made them commit a great sin.
1 Samuel 2:30
- "Therefore, the LORD, the God of Israel, says: The terrible things you are doing cannot continue! I had promised that your branch of the tribe of Levi would always be my priests. But I will honor only those who honor me, and I will despise those who despise me.
- I will put an end to your family, so it will no longer serve as my priests. All the members of your family will die before their time. None will live to a ripe old age.
- You will watch with envy as I pour out prosperity on the people of Israel. But no members of your family will ever live out their days.
1 Samuel 13:13
- "How foolish!" Samuel exclaimed. "You have disobeyed the command of the LORD your God. Had you obeyed, the LORD would have established your kingdom over Israel forever.
- But now your dynasty must end, for the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart. The LORD has already chosen him to be king over his people, for you have not obeyed the LORD's command."
2 Samuel 12:9
- Why, then, have you despised the word of the LORD and done this horrible deed? For you have murdered Uriah and stolen his wife.
- From this time on, the sword will be a constant threat to your family, because you have despised me by taking Uriah's wife to be your own.
- " `Because of what you have done, I, the LORD, will cause your own household to rebel against you. I will give your wives to another man, and he will go to bed with them in public view.
- You did it secretly, but I will do this to you openly in the sight of all Israel.'"
Numbers 14:23
- They will never even see the land I swore to give their ancestors. None of those who have treated me with contempt will enter it.
Isaiah 29:13
- And so the Lord says, "These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. And their worship of me amounts to nothing more than human laws learned by rote.
- Because of this, I will do wonders among these hypocrites. I will show that human wisdom is foolish and even the most brilliant people lack understanding."