1Ki 10:8 Cross References
1 Kings 10:8
8: How happy these people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom!
Proverbs 8:34
- "Happy are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home!
Proverbs 3:13
- Happy is the person who finds wisdom and gains understanding.
- For the profit of wisdom is better than silver, and her wages are better than gold.
Proverbs 13:20
- Whoever walks with the wise will become wise; whoever walks with fools will suffer harm.
Luke 11:31
- "The queen of Sheba will rise up against this generation on judgment day and condemn it, because she came from a distant land to hear the wisdom of Solomon. And now someone greater than Solomon is here--and you refuse to listen to him.
Luke 11:28
- He replied, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice."
Luke 10:39
- Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord's feet, listening to what he taught.
- But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."
- But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details!
- There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it--and I won't take it away from her."
2 Chronicles 9:7
- How happy these people must be! What a privilege for your officials to stand here day after day, listening to your wisdom!
- The LORD your God is great indeed! He delights in you and has placed you on the throne to rule for him. Because God loves Israel so much and desires this kingdom to last forever, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness."
Proverbs 10:21
- The godly give good advice, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.