1Chr 16:43 Cross References
1 Chronicles 16:43
43: Then all the people returned to their homes, and David returned home to bless his family.
2 Samuel 6:19
- Then he gave a gift of food to every man and woman in Israel: a loaf of bread, a cake of dates, and a cake of raisins. Then everyone went home.
- When David returned home to bless his family, Michal came out to meet him and said in disgust, "How glorious the king of Israel looked today! He exposed himself to the servant girls like any indecent person might do!"
Joshua 24:15
- But if you are unwilling to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD."
1 Kings 8:66
- After the festival was over, Solomon sent the people home. They blessed the king as they went, and they were all joyful and happy because the LORD had been good to his servant David and to his people Israel.
Genesis 18:19
- I have singled him out so that he will direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the LORD and do what is right and just. Then I will do for him all that I have promised."
Psalms 101:2
- I will be careful to live a blameless life--when will you come to my aid? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home.