1Chr 15:2 Cross References
1 Chronicles 15:2
2: Then he issued these instructions: "When we transport the Ark of God this time, no one except the Levites may carry it. The LORD has chosen them to carry the Ark of the LORD and to minister before him forever."
Deuteronomy 10:8
- At that time the LORD set apart the tribe of Levi to carry the Ark of the LORD's covenant, to minister before the LORD, and to pronounce blessings in his name. These are still their duties.
Deuteronomy 31:9
- So Moses wrote down this law and gave it to the priests, who carried the Ark of the LORD's covenant, and to the leaders of Israel.
Numbers 18:1
- The LORD now said to Aaron: "You, your sons, and your relatives from the tribe of Levi will be held responsible for any offenses related to the sanctuary. But you and your sons alone will be held liable for violations connected with the priesthood.
- "Bring your relatives of the tribe of Levi to assist you and your sons as you perform the sacred duties in front of the Tabernacle of the Covenant.
- But as the Levites go about their duties under your supervision, they must be careful not to touch any of the sacred objects or the altar. If they do, both you and they will die.
- The Levites must join with you to fulfill their responsibilities for the care and maintenance of the Tabernacle, but no one who is not a Levite may officiate with you.
- "You yourselves must perform the sacred duties within the sanctuary and at the altar. If you follow these instructions, the LORD's anger will never again blaze against the people of Israel.
Jeremiah 33:17
- For this is what the LORD says: David will forever have a descendant sitting on the throne of Israel.
- And there will always be Levitical priests to offer burnt offerings and grain offerings and sacrifices to me."
- Then this message came to Jeremiah from the LORD:
- "If you can break my covenant with the day and the night so that they do not come on their usual schedule,
- only then will my covenant with David, my servant, be broken. Only then will he no longer have a descendant to reign on his throne. The same is true for my covenant with the Levitical priests who minister before me.
Numbers 8:24
- "This is the rule the Levites must follow: They must begin serving in the Tabernacle at the age of twenty-five,
- and they must retire at the age of fifty.
- After retirement they may assist their fellow Levites by performing guard duty at the Tabernacle, but they may not officiate in the service. This is how you will assign duties to the Levites."
Numbers 8:13
- Then have the Levites stand in front of Aaron and his sons, and present them as a special offering to the LORD.
- In this way, you will set the Levites apart from the rest of the people of Israel, and the Levites will belong to me.
Joshua 3:3
- giving these instructions to the people: "When you see the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD your God, follow them.
Numbers 4:19
- This is what you must do so they will live and not die when they approach the most sacred objects. Aaron and his sons must always go in with them and assign a specific duty or load to each person.
- Otherwise they must not approach the sanctuary and look at the sacred objects for even a moment, or they will die."
Numbers 4:2
- "Take a census of the clans and families of the Kohathite division of the Levite tribe.
- Count all the men between the ages of thirty and fifty who qualify to work in the Tabernacle.
- "The duties of the Kohathites at the Tabernacle will relate to the most sacred objects.
- When the camp moves, Aaron and his sons must enter the Tabernacle first to take down the inner curtain and cover the Ark of the Covenant with it.
- Then they must cover the inner curtain with fine goatskin leather, and the goatskin leather with a dark blue cloth. Finally, they must put the carrying poles of the Ark in place.
2 Chronicles 35:3
- He issued this order to the Levites, who had been set apart to serve the LORD and were teachers in Israel: "Since the Ark is now in Solomon's Temple and you do not need to carry it back and forth on your shoulders, spend your time serving the LORD your God and his people Israel.
Isaiah 66:21
- "And I will appoint some of those who return to be my priests and Levites. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Joshua 6:6
- So Joshua called together the priests and said, "Take up the Ark of the Covenant, and assign seven priests to walk in front of it, each carrying a ram's horn."
Numbers 7:9
- But he gave none of the carts or oxen to the Kohathite division, since they were required to carry the sacred objects of the Tabernacle on their shoulders.