Matt 17:20 Cross References
Matthew 17:20
20: "You didn't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
Luke 17:6
- "Even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed," the Lord answered, "you could say to this mulberry tree, 'May God uproot you and throw you into the sea,' and it would obey you!
Mark 11:23
- I assure you that you can say to this mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and your command will be obeyed. All that's required is that you really believe and do not doubt in your heart.
Luke 1:37
- For nothing is impossible with God."
Luke 18:27
- He replied, "What is impossible from a human perspective is possible with God."
Matthew 21:21
- Then Jesus told them, "I assure you, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and it will happen.
Matthew 13:31
- Here is another illustration Jesus used: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field.
1 Corinthians 13:2
- If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I knew all the mysteries of the future and knew everything about everything, but didn't love others, what good would I be? And if I had the gift of faith so that I could speak to a mountain and make it move, without love I would be no good to anybody.
Mark 9:23
- "What do you mean, 'If I can'?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes."
John 11:40
- Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell you that you will see God's glory if you believe?"
Mark 4:31
- It is like a tiny mustard seed. Though this is one of the smallest of seeds,
Hebrews 3:19
- So we see that they were not allowed to enter his rest because of their unbelief.
Matthew 14:30
- But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" he shouted.
- Instantly Jesus reached out his hand and grabbed him. "You don't have much faith," Jesus said. "Why did you doubt me?"
Matthew 17:17
- Jesus replied, "You stubborn, faithless people! How long must I be with you until you believe? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me."
1 Corinthians 12:9
- The Spirit gives special faith to another, and to someone else he gives the power to heal the sick.
Matthew 17:9
- As they descended the mountain, Jesus commanded them, "Don't tell anyone what you have seen until I, the Son of Man, have been raised from the dead."